Gonna Break Into Your Heart

You know we're trying but you're still not smiling
Undercover from the sun that's shining for you
A blind date with the broken hearted
Sleeping tight while the war's just started all around you

We gotta know, who you fighting for?

You know we love you but we're just not certain
About the colors of the walls and curtains, we thank God
So stay awake with your thoughts and the silence
Reacquainted with the truth you're hiding from us

We wanna know what you're waiting for?

But it don't matter to me
'Cause we won't need to agree

I'm gonna break into your heart
Gonna break into your heart, gonna break into your heart
Gonna steal it from the start
Everything just falls apart, everything just falls apart

I'm gonna break into your heart
Gonna break into your heart, gonna break into your heart
Gonna steal it from the start
Everything just falls apart, falls apart, falls apart

Mirror lyrics:

Everything just falls apart, falls apart, falls apart
Gonna steal it from the start
Gonna break into your heart, gonna break into your heart
I'm gonna break into your heart

Everything just falls apart, everything just falls apart
Gonna steal it from the start
Gonna break into your heart, gonna break into your heart
I'm gonna break into your heart

'Cause we won't need to agree
But it don't matter to me

We wanna know what you're waiting for?

Reacquainted with the truth you're hiding from us
So stay awake with your thoughts and the silence
About the colors of the walls and curtains, we thank God
You know we love you but we're just not certain

We gotta know, who you fighting for?

Sleeping tight while the war's just started all around you
A blind date with the broken hearted
Undercover from the sun that's shining for you
You know we're trying but you're still not smiling

Relevant Tags:
GGonna BBreak IInto YYour HHeart onna reak nto our eart oGnna rBeak nIto oYur eHart honna vreak jnto gour jeart hGonna vBreak jInto gYour jHeart
Ghonna Bvreak Ijnto Ygour Hjeart yonna greak 9nto hour ueart yGonna gBreak 9Into hYour uHeart Gyonna Bgreak I9nto Yhour Hueart bonna nreak lnto 6our neart
bGonna nBreak lInto 6Your nHeart Gbonna Bnreak Ilnto Y6our Hneart vonna hreak onto uour beart vGonna hBreak oInto uYour bHeart Gvonna Bhreak Ionto Yuour Hbeart
fonna Brreak knto 7our geart fGonna Beak kInto 7Your gHeart Gfonna Berak Iknto Y7our Hgeart tonna Bdeak 8nto jour yeart tGonna Bdreak 8Into jYour yHeart
Gtonna Brdeak I8nto Yjour Hyeart Goonna B4eak unto tour Heeart Gnna B4reak uInto tYour Hart Gnona Br4eak Iunto Ytour Haert Gknna Bgeak Innto Yoour Hsart
Gkonna Ito Yur Hseart Goknna Brgeak Itno Yuor Hesart G9nna Bteak Imto Ykur H3art G9onna Btreak Imnto Ykour H3eart Go9nna Brteak Inmto Yokur He3art
G0nna B5eak Ihto Y9ur Hfart G0onna B5reak Ihnto Y9our Hfeart Go0nna Br5eak Inhto Yo9ur Hefart Glnna Bfeak Ijto Y0ur Hrart Glonna Bfreak Y0our Hreart
Golnna Brfeak Injto Yo0ur Herart Ginna Beeak Ibto Ylur H4art Gionna Bereak Ibnto Ylour H4eart Goinna Breeak Inbto Yolur He4art Gonnna Intto Yiur Hdart
Gona Brak Ino Yiour Hdeart Gonna Braek Inot Yoiur Hedart Gomna Brsak Info Youur Hwart Gomnna Brseak Infto Yor Hweart Gonmna Bresak Intfo Yoru Hewart
Gohna Br3ak In5o Yohr Heaart Gohnna Br3eak In5to Yohur Hert Gonhna Bre3ak Int5o Youhr Herat Gojna Brfak Inho Yo7r Hezrt Gojnna Yo7ur Hezart
Gonjna Brefak Intho You7r Heazrt Gobna Brrak Inyo Yokr Heqrt

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