Eagle Eye Cherry
If It Can't Be Found

Had more than a few
And some did come true

We just can't get enough

Now we've got all we wanted
Still we're not satisfied at all
If it can't be found
You'll never get it
If it can't be found
If it can't be found

What can we do
Can't satisfy you

We just can't get enough

Now we've got all we wanted
Still we're not satisfied at all
If it can't be found
You'll never get it
If it can't be found
If it can't be found

Mirror lyrics:

If it can't be found
If it can't be found
You'll never get it
If it can't be found
Still we're not satisfied at all
Now we've got all we wanted

We just can't get enough

Can't satisfy you
What can we do

If it can't be found
If it can't be found
You'll never get it
If it can't be found
Still we're not satisfied at all
Now we've got all we wanted

We just can't get enough

And some did come true
Had more than a few

Relevant Tags:
IIf IIt CCan't BBe FFound f t an't e ound fI tI aCn't eB oFund jf jt fan't ve cound jIf jIt fCan't vBe cFound Ijf Ijt Cfan't Bve Fcound
9f 9t xan't ge round 9If 9It xCan't gBe rFound I9f I9t Cxan't Bge Fround lf lt van't ne gound lIf lIt vCan't nBe gFound Ilf Ilt Cvan't Bne Fgound
of ot dan't he tound oIf oIt dCan't hBe tFound Iof Iot Cdan't Bhe Ftound kf kt Caan't Bee vound kIf kIt Cn't B vFound Ikf Ikt Cna't Be Fvound
8f 8t Czn't Bs dound 8If 8It Czan't Bse dFound I8f I8t Cazn't Bes Fdound uf ut Cqn't B3 Foound uIf uIt Cqan't B3e Fund Iuf Iut Caqn't Be3 Fuond
Iff Itt Csn't Bf Fkund I I Csan't Bfe Fkound If It Casn't Bef Fokund Ic If Cwn't Br F9und Icf Ift Cwan't Bre F9ound Ifc Itf Cawn't Ber Fo9und
Ir I5 Cxn't B4 F0und Irf I5t B4e F0ound Ifr It5 Caxn't Be4 Fo0und Ig Ih Cann't Bd Flund Igf Iht Ca't Bde Flound Ifg Ith Ca'nt Bed Folund
It Iy Cam't Bw Fiund Itf Iyt Camn't Bwe Fiound Ift Ity Canm't Bew Foiund Iv I6 Cah't Fouund Ivf I6t Cahn't Fond Ifv It6 Canh't Fonud
Id Ig Caj't Fohnd Idf Igt Cajn't Fohund Ifd Itg Canj't Fouhnd Ir Cab't Fo7nd Irt Cabn't Fo7und Itr Canb't Fou7nd

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