Earth Wind & Fire
Shining Star

Yeah, hey

When you wish upon a star
Your dreams will take you very far, yeah
When you wish upon a dream
Life ain´t always what it seems, oh yeah
Once you see your light so clear, hey
In the sky so very dear

You´re a shinig star,
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you can truly be
What you can truly be

Shining star come into view
Shine it's watchful light on you, yeah
Give you strength to carry on, yeah
Yeah, make your body big and strong, Yeah

Born a man-child of the sun, yeah
Yeah, saw my work had just begun
Yeah, found I had to stand alone, yeah
Well, bless it now I got my own oh yeah, oh yeah

So if you find yourself in need
Why don´t you listen to his words of heed
Be a giant grain of sand
Words of wisdom, yes I can

You´re a shining star,
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you can truly be

You´re a shining star,
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you can truly be

You´re a shining star,
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you can truly be

Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be
Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be
Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be

Mirror lyrics:

Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be
Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be
Shining star for you to see, what your life can truly be

What you can truly be
Shining bright to see
No matter who you are
You´re a shining star,

What you can truly be
Shining bright to see
No matter who you are
You´re a shining star,

What you can truly be
Shining bright to see
No matter who you are
You´re a shining star,

Words of wisdom, yes I can
Be a giant grain of sand
Why don´t you listen to his words of heed
So if you find yourself in need

Well, bless it now I got my own oh yeah, oh yeah
Yeah, found I had to stand alone, yeah
Yeah, saw my work had just begun
Born a man-child of the sun, yeah

Yeah, make your body big and strong, Yeah
Give you strength to carry on, yeah
Shine it's watchful light on you, yeah
Shining star come into view

What you can truly be
What you can truly be
Shining bright to see
No matter who you are
You´re a shinig star,

In the sky so very dear
Once you see your light so clear, hey
Life ain´t always what it seems, oh yeah
When you wish upon a dream
Your dreams will take you very far, yeah
When you wish upon a star

Yeah, hey

Relevant Tags:
SShining SStar hining tar hSining tSar zhining ztar zShining zStar Szhining Sztar whining wtar wShining wStar Swhining Swtar
dhining dtar dShining dStar Sdhining Sdtar ehining etar eShining eStar Sehining Setar xhining xtar xShining xStar Sxhining Sxtar
ahining atar aShining aStar Sahining Satar Shhining Sttar Sining Sar Sihning Satr Sjining Sfar Sjhining Sftar Shjining Stfar
Suining S5ar Suhining S5tar Shuining St5ar Snining Shar Snhining Shtar Shnining Sthar Sbining Syar Sbhining Sytar Shbining Styar
Sgining S6ar Sghining S6tar Shgining St6ar Syining Sgar Syhining Sgtar Shyining Stgar Shiining Srar Shning Srtar Shniing Strar
Shjning Staar Str Shijning Stra Sh9ning Stzr Sh9ining Stzar Shi9ning Stazr Shlning Stqr Shlining Stqar Shilning Staqr
Shoning Stsr Shoining Stsar Shioning Stasr Shkning Stwr Shkining Stwar Shikning Stawr Sh8ning Stxr Sh8ining Stxar Shi8ning Staxr
Shuning Starr Sta Shiuning Star Shinning Stad

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