Earth Wind & Fire
In The Name Of Love


Woke up feeling good today
Gonna make good with the things I say
Never forgettin' where I came from
Or my people, that I love

Gonna sing for the people
In the name of love
Let your voices ring
Gonna sing a little louder

Let your voices ring
Gonna sing a little louder
In the name of love
Let every heart sing
Bop-ba, Bop-ba

Reminiscin' on what we've done
All around the world I'm speaking of
Just the good things we wanna focus on
All the bad things turn to stone

Come on sing it now in the name of love
Come on keep it real
Oooh, we need to know how you feel
Come on, sing now if you feel the love
Get up and show, if you feel it

Bop-ba, Bop-ba a da di
In the name of love
Bop-ba, Bop-ba a da di
Let the voices sing

We do it all in the name of love

Mirror lyrics:

We do it all in the name of love

Let the voices sing
Bop-ba, Bop-ba a da di
In the name of love
Bop-ba, Bop-ba a da di

Get up and show, if you feel it
Come on, sing now if you feel the love
Oooh, we need to know how you feel
Come on keep it real
Come on sing it now in the name of love

All the bad things turn to stone
Just the good things we wanna focus on
All around the world I'm speaking of
Reminiscin' on what we've done

Bop-ba, Bop-ba
Let every heart sing
In the name of love
Gonna sing a little louder
Let your voices ring

Gonna sing a little louder
Let your voices ring
In the name of love
Gonna sing for the people

Or my people, that I love
Never forgettin' where I came from
Gonna make good with the things I say
Woke up feeling good today


Relevant Tags:
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Inn Nsme Or Llve I Te Nsame Orf Llove In Teh Nasme Ofr Lolve Im Tje Nwme Og Live Imn Tjhe Nwame Ogf Liove Inm Thje Nawme Ofg Loive
Ih Tue Nxme Ot Lovve Ihn Tuhe Nxame Otf Loe Inh Thue Naxme Oft Loev Ij Tne Namme Ov Lobe Tnhe Nae Ovf Lobve

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