Earth Wind & Fire
Fair But So Uncool

Glory seeker, fortune hound, don't you ever,
break it on down.
Ain't you been to school
Ain't you learned the rules
Ain't you paid them dues
The life you need is fair, fair but so uncool

Rip off artis, shootin' down.
If you dig it, you're a clown-
Can't you understand
Can't you lend a hand
Can't you be a man
Greedy joker, slidin' by, dealin' jones-ses with a high

Don'cha see it's wrong
Don'cha wait too long
Don'cha hear this song
Time is passin', time is gone
Meet your mirror, further on
Won't you ever yearn
Ever yearn to learn
Won't ya take ya turn
The life you lead is fair, fair
But so uncool (repeat out)

Mirror lyrics:

But so uncool (repeat out)
The life you lead is fair, fair
Won't ya take ya turn
Ever yearn to learn
Won't you ever yearn
Meet your mirror, further on
Time is passin', time is gone
Don'cha hear this song
Don'cha wait too long
Don'cha see it's wrong

Greedy joker, slidin' by, dealin' jones-ses with a high
Can't you be a man
Can't you lend a hand
Can't you understand
If you dig it, you're a clown-
Rip off artis, shootin' down.

The life you need is fair, fair but so uncool
Ain't you paid them dues
Ain't you learned the rules
Ain't you been to school
break it on down.
Glory seeker, fortune hound, don't you ever,

Relevant Tags:
FFair BBut SSo UUncool air ut o ncool aFir uBt oS nUcool cair vut zo hncool cFair vBut zSo hUncool Fcair Bvut Szo Uhncool
rair gut wo 7ncool rFair gBut wSo 7Uncool Frair Bgut Swo U7ncool gair nut do kncool gFair nBut dSo kUncool Fgair Bnut Sdo Ukncool
tair hut eo incool tFair hBut eSo iUncool Ftair Bhut Seo Uincool vair Buut xo 8ncool vFair Bt xSo 8Uncool Fvair Btu Sxo U8ncool
dair Bht ao jncool dFair aSo jUncool Fdair Buht Sao Ujncool Faair B7t Soo yncool Fir B7ut S yUncool Fiar Bu7t So Uyncool
Fzir Bkt Sk Unncool Fzair Bkut Sko Ucool Fazir Bukt Sok Ucnool Fqir Bit S9 Umcool Fqair Biut S9o Umncool Faqir Buit So9 Unmcool
Fsir B8t S0 Uhcool Fsair B8ut S0o Fasir Bu8t So0 Unhcool Fwir Bjt Sl Ujcool Fwair Bjut Slo Fawir Bujt Sol Unjcool
Fxir Byt Si Ubcool Fxair Byut Sio Ubncool Faxir Buyt Soi Unbcool Faiir Butt Unccool Far Bu Unool Fari But Unocol
Fajr Buf Unfool Fajir Buft Unfcool Faijr Butf Uncfool

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