Five Times August
The Good Life

Early morning into afternoon
I'm waiting for you
Waiting for you to get up
I sit up, I don't know what to do
But I've got a lovely view from here

Lazy days the lovely ways of you
I'm telling the truth
‘Cause I'm well into you
And I can't decide,
and it's blowing my mind if I
Had the time of my life last night

‘Cause I'm so tired of love hesitating
It's got me hanging around
And we're so close together
But won't get any better
‘Til your open eyes say your mine

‘Cause I've seen the light come in
through the white blinds
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
You can't to get back to the moonlight
And you feel the breeze come in
through the window
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
“Staying in bed is the good life”

So I'll move a little closer,
Try to make the most of this
And I'll be damned if
I don't leave without a kiss
You're the creation of my frustration
And the result of my temptation
So wake up baby,
Let's start the day right now
Wake up baby,
Let's start the day right now

‘Cause I'm so tired of love hesitating
It's got me hanging around
And we're so close together
But won't get any better
‘Til your open eyes say your mine

‘Cause I've seen the light come in
through the white blinds
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
You can't to get back to the moonlight
And you feel the breeze come in
through the window
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
“Staying in bed is the good life”

As I feel you roll beside me
The little sweet nothings
are giving me something worth while

‘Cause I've seen the light come in
through the white blinds
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
You can't to get back to the moonlight
And you feel the breeze come in
through the window
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
“Staying in bed is the good life”
Staying in bed is the good life
Staying in bed is the good life

Mirror lyrics:

Staying in bed is the good life
Staying in bed is the good life
“Staying in bed is the good life”
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
through the window
And you feel the breeze come in
You can't to get back to the moonlight
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
through the white blinds
‘Cause I've seen the light come in

are giving me something worth while
The little sweet nothings
As I feel you roll beside me

“Staying in bed is the good life”
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
through the window
And you feel the breeze come in
You can't to get back to the moonlight
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
through the white blinds
‘Cause I've seen the light come in

‘Til your open eyes say your mine
But won't get any better
And we're so close together
It's got me hanging around
‘Cause I'm so tired of love hesitating

Let's start the day right now
Wake up baby,
Let's start the day right now
So wake up baby,
And the result of my temptation
You're the creation of my frustration
I don't leave without a kiss
And I'll be damned if
Try to make the most of this
So I'll move a little closer,

“Staying in bed is the good life”
I'm gonna lean on over quiet and whisper
through the window
And you feel the breeze come in
You can't to get back to the moonlight
As you pull the covers in over your eyes
through the white blinds
‘Cause I've seen the light come in

‘Til your open eyes say your mine
But won't get any better
And we're so close together
It's got me hanging around
‘Cause I'm so tired of love hesitating

Had the time of my life last night
and it's blowing my mind if I
And I can't decide,
‘Cause I'm well into you
I'm telling the truth
Lazy days the lovely ways of you

But I've got a lovely view from here
I sit up, I don't know what to do
Waiting for you to get up
I'm waiting for you
Early morning into afternoon

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGood LLife he ood ife hTe oGod iLfe fhe hood kife fThe hGood kLife Tfhe Ghood Lkife 5he yood oife 5The yGood oLife T5he Gyood Loife
hhe bood pife hThe bGood pLife Thhe Gbood Lpife yhe vood Liife yThe vGood Lfe Tyhe Gvood Lfie 6he food Ljfe 6The fGood Ljife T6he Gfood Lijfe
ghe tood L9fe gThe tGood L9ife Tghe Gtood Li9fe rhe Goood Llfe rThe God Llife Trhe Good Lilfe Gkod Lofe Te Gkood Teh Gokod Liofe
Tje G9od Lkfe Tjhe G9ood Thje Go9od Likfe Tue G0od L8fe Tuhe G0ood L8ife Thue Go0od Li8fe Tne Glod Lufe Tnhe Glood Luife Thne Golod Liufe
Tbe Giod Liffe Tbhe Giood Lie

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