Five Iron Frenzy

If I had a nickel for every single
time I've tried to classify the
populace around me with a
word, or a catchy phrase, I could
quit my job for good and play
Nintendo until my fingers ached.

Am I an idiot, to lazy to think twice?
I point the finger, but I can't take my own advice.
I put a name on something and ever
since, I've made an art of
building my counterfeit intelligence.

Seemingly to me, I am
straightening a world of cluttered
thoughts and debris inside of my
head, but I think instead I am
prejudiced and I give people
names to make me feel safe.

How does it feel what does it
take to make me understand? If I
could only walk a mile in the
shoes of another man. If I could
look out through his eyes and
know what it means to bleed the
same red blood that I do

What is economic status, and tell
me what is race? Who decides to
classify taxonomy of grace? If
one man gets less than another is
it true, that he is all that different,
that he is less than you?

Mirror lyrics:

that he is less than you?
it true, that he is all that different,
one man gets less than another is
classify taxonomy of grace? If
me what is race? Who decides to
What is economic status, and tell

same red blood that I do
know what it means to bleed the
look out through his eyes and
shoes of another man. If I could
could only walk a mile in the
take to make me understand? If I
How does it feel what does it

names to make me feel safe.
prejudiced and I give people
head, but I think instead I am
thoughts and debris inside of my
straightening a world of cluttered
Seemingly to me, I am

building my counterfeit intelligence.
since, I've made an art of
I put a name on something and ever
I point the finger, but I can't take my own advice.
Am I an idiot, to lazy to think twice?

Nintendo until my fingers ached.
quit my job for good and play
word, or a catchy phrase, I could
populace around me with a
time I've tried to classify the
If I had a nickel for every single

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