Five Iron Frenzy
See The Flames Begin To Crawl

Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!
Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!

I've got pocketfuls of crumpled receipts
Just about enough to start a fire
I'll watch the past just burn away
Put the mic stand through the amplifier
Put the bass down, bass down, one time
Snap the neck now. Drum set, smash it
Kick the kick drum, one time, kicked in
Smashed up, break it, break up

See the flames begin to crawl, upward
Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard

Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!
Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!

I've got notebooks full of misshapen words
I'll never speak them anymore
Ten years from now, you won't know my name
Throw the microphone down on the floor
Put the guitar, guitar, one time
Through the speaker, splintered, broken
Throw the horns down, one time, horns down
Smash them, break them, break up

See the flames begin to crawl, upward
Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard
Hear the record start to skip, unsung
Feel the weight that sunk the ship, so young

The crowds recoil, demand our survival
Fists in the air, mouths caked with saliva
But you are the one, the spark that was spawned
Who picks up the pieces, and passes it on

Mirror lyrics:

Who picks up the pieces, and passes it on
But you are the one, the spark that was spawned
Fists in the air, mouths caked with saliva
The crowds recoil, demand our survival

Feel the weight that sunk the ship, so young
Hear the record start to skip, unsung
Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard
See the flames begin to crawl, upward

Smash them, break them, break up
Throw the horns down, one time, horns down
Through the speaker, splintered, broken
Put the guitar, guitar, one time
Throw the microphone down on the floor
Ten years from now, you won't know my name
I'll never speak them anymore
I've got notebooks full of misshapen words

Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!
Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!

Taste the anguish as they fall, unheard
See the flames begin to crawl, upward

Smashed up, break it, break up
Kick the kick drum, one time, kicked in
Snap the neck now. Drum set, smash it
Put the bass down, bass down, one time
Put the mic stand through the amplifier
I'll watch the past just burn away
Just about enough to start a fire
I've got pocketfuls of crumpled receipts

Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!
Cancellation! Devastation! Deviation! Expiration!

Relevant Tags:
SSee TThe FFlames BBegin TTo CCrawl ee he lames egin o rawl eSe hTe lFames eBgin oT rCawl zee fhe clames vegin fo frawl zSee fThe cFlames vBegin fTo fCrawl
Szee Tfhe Fclames Bvegin Tfo Cfrawl wee 5he rlames gegin 5o xrawl wSee 5The rFlames gBegin 5To xCrawl Swee T5he Frlames Bgegin T5o Cxrawl dee hhe glames negin ho vrawl
dSee hThe gFlames nBegin hTo vCrawl Sdee Thhe Fglames Bnegin Tho Cvrawl eee yhe tlames hegin yo drawl eSee yThe tFlames hBegin yTo dCrawl Seee Tyhe Ftlames Bhegin Tyo Cdrawl
xee 6he vlames Beegin 6o Crrawl xSee 6The vFlames Bgin 6To Cawl Sxee T6he Fvlames Bgein T6o Carwl aee ghe dlames Bsgin go Cdawl aSee gThe dFlames Bsegin gTo
Saee Tghe Fdlames Besgin Tgo Crdawl rhe Fllames B3gin ro C4awl Se rThe Fames B3egin rTo C4rawl See Trhe Falmes Be3gin Tro Cr4awl Sse Fkames Bfgin Too Cgawl
Ssee Te Fklames Bfegin T Cgrawl Sese Teh Flkames Befgin To Crgawl S3e Tje Foames Brgin Tk Ctawl S3ee Tjhe Folames Bregin Tko Ctrawl Se3e Thje Floames Bergin Tok Crtawl
Sfe Tue Fpames B4gin T9 C5awl Sfee Tuhe Fplames B4egin T9o C5rawl Sefe Thue Flpames Be4gin To9 Cr5awl Sre Tne Flaames Bdgin T0 Cfawl Sree Tnhe Flmes Bdegin T0o
Sere Thne Flmaes Bedgin To0 Crfawl S4e Tbe Flzmes Bwgin Tl Ceawl S4ee Tbhe Flzames Bwegin Tlo Cerawl Se4e Thbe Flazmes Bewgin Tol Creawl Sde Tge Flqmes Beggin Ti Craawl
Flqames Bein Tio Crwl Sede Thge Flaqmes Beign Toi Crwal Swe Tye Flsmes Behin Crzwl Flsames Behgin Crzawl Sewe Thye Flasmes Beghin Crazwl
Thee Flwmes Beyin Crqwl Th Flwames Beygin Crqawl The Flawmes Begyin Craqwl Ses Ths Flxmes Bebin Crswl Thse Flxames Bebgin Crsawl
Sees Thes Flaxmes Begbin Craswl Se3 Th3 Flammes Bevin Crwwl

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