Fleetwood Mac
Nights In Estoril

Well there will be times
When the memories fade
There will be words we've said
We just can't take away
I'm only saying
That as time goes sailing on
Nothing is forgotten baby
Nothing is really gone

I remember the nights in estoril
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
And I remember the coming storm
Oh and you my ove, how you kept me warm

Well there will be times
When we can't agree
We can't help but see things
A little differantly
I'm only saying
That as time goes sailing on
How can something so right
Ever be wrong

I remember the nights in estoril
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
And I remember the coming storm
Oh and you my love, how you kept me warm

Your hand reaching out to me
Dark clouds gathering in their wake
I've seen it all before
But I've never felt it more
This time there is no mistake
Oh I remember

And I remember the coming storm
Oh and you my love, how you kept me warm

I remember the nights in estoril
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
And I remember the coming storm
Oh and you my ove, how you kept me warm

I remember

Mirror lyrics:

I remember

Oh and you my ove, how you kept me warm
And I remember the coming storm
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
I remember the nights in estoril

Oh and you my love, how you kept me warm
And I remember the coming storm

Oh I remember
This time there is no mistake
But I've never felt it more
I've seen it all before
Dark clouds gathering in their wake
Your hand reaching out to me

Oh and you my love, how you kept me warm
And I remember the coming storm
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
I remember the nights in estoril

Ever be wrong
How can something so right
That as time goes sailing on
I'm only saying
A little differantly
We can't help but see things
When we can't agree
Well there will be times

Oh and you my ove, how you kept me warm
And I remember the coming storm
A kiss and oh the never ending thrill
I remember the nights in estoril

Nothing is really gone
Nothing is forgotten baby
That as time goes sailing on
I'm only saying
We just can't take away
There will be words we've said
When the memories fade
Well there will be times

Relevant Tags:
NNights IIn EEstoril ights n storil iNghts nI sEtoril mights jn sstoril mNights jIn sEstoril Nmights Ijn Esstoril
hights 9n 3storil hNights 9In 3Estoril Nhights I9n E3storil jights ln fstoril jNights lIn fEstoril Njights Iln Efstoril
bights on rstoril bNights oIn rEstoril Nbights Ion Erstoril Niights kn 4storil Nghts kIn 4Estoril Ngihts Ikn E4storil
Njghts 8n dstoril 8In dEstoril Nijghts I8n Edstoril N9ghts un wstoril N9ights uIn wEstoril Ni9ghts Iun Ewstoril
Nlghts Inn Nlights I Etoril Nilghts In Etsoril Noghts Im Eztoril Noights Imn Ezstoril Nioghts Inm Esztoril
Nkghts Ih Ewtoril Nkights Ihn Nikghts Inh Eswtoril N8ghts Ij Edtoril N8ights Ni8ghts Inj Esdtoril
Nughts Ib Eetoril Nuights Ibn Eestoril Niughts Inb Esetoril Nigghts Extoril Nihts Exstoril Nihgts Esxtoril
Nihhts Eatoril Nihghts Eastoril Nighhts Esatoril Niyhts Esttoril Niyghts Esoril Nigyhts Esotril
Nibhts Esforil Nibghts Esftoril Nigbhts Estforil Nivhts Es5oril Nivghts Es5toril Nigvhts Est5oril
Nifhts Eshoril Nifghts Eshtoril Nigfhts Esthoril Nithts Esyoril Nitghts Esytoril Nigthts Estyoril
Es6oril Nigts Es6toril Nigths Est6oril Nigjts Esgoril Nigjhts Esgtoril Nighjts Estgoril
Niguts Esroril Niguhts Esrtoril Nighuts Estroril Nignts Estooril Nignhts Estril

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