Flatt And Scruggs
Wait For The Sunshine

Wait for the sunshine wait for the sunshine wait for
the clouds to roll away

Maybe tomorrow gone will be sorrow wait for the sunshine
to bring a brighter day

[ dobro ]

If sorrow and trouble you're seeing double black clouds
surround you all the time

Well don't let misfortune be too discouraging remember
tomorrow the sun will shine

Wait for the sunshine...

[ harmonica ]

If it seems forever since there's been laughter don't
let old misery get you down

Just keep your chin up don't ever give up tomorrow
the sunshine may come around

Wait for the sunshine...

Mirror lyrics:

Wait for the sunshine...

the sunshine may come around
Just keep your chin up don't ever give up tomorrow

let old misery get you down
If it seems forever since there's been laughter don't

[ harmonica ]

Wait for the sunshine...

tomorrow the sun will shine
Well don't let misfortune be too discouraging remember

surround you all the time
If sorrow and trouble you're seeing double black clouds

[ dobro ]

to bring a brighter day
Maybe tomorrow gone will be sorrow wait for the sunshine

the clouds to roll away
Wait for the sunshine wait for the sunshine wait for

Relevant Tags:
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3ait ror 5he wunshine 3Wait rFor 5The wSunshine W3ait Fror T5he Swunshine dait gor hhe dunshine dWait gFor hThe dSunshine Wdait Fgor Thhe Sdunshine
eait tor yhe eunshine eWait tFor yThe eSunshine Weait Ftor Tyhe Seunshine sait vor 6he xunshine sWait vFor 6The xSunshine Wsait Fvor T6he Sxunshine
2ait dor ghe aunshine 2Wait dFor gThe aSunshine W2ait Fdor Tghe Saunshine qait Foor rhe Suunshine qWait Fr rThe Snshine Wqait Fro Trhe Snushine
Fkr Shnshine Wit Fkor Te Shunshine Wiat Fokr Teh Suhnshine Wzit F9r Tje S7nshine Wzait F9or Tjhe S7unshine Wazit Fo9r Thje Su7nshine
Wqit F0r Tue Sknshine F0or Tuhe Skunshine Waqit Fo0r Thue Suknshine Wsit Flr Tne Sinshine Flor Tnhe Siunshine Wasit Folr Thne Suinshine
Wwit Fir Tbe S8nshine Wwait Fior Tbhe S8unshine Wawit Foir Thbe Su8nshine Wxit Forr Tge Sjnshine Wxait Fo Sjunshine Waxit For Thge Sujnshine
Waiit Fod Tye Synshine Wat Fodr Syunshine Wati Ford Thye Suynshine Wajt Fo4 Thee Sunnshine Wajit Fo4r Th Sushine Waijt For4 The Susnhine
Wa9t Fog Ths Sumshine Wa9it Fogr Thse Sumnshine Wai9t Forg Thes Sunmshine Walt Fot Th3 Suhshine Walit Fotr Th3e Wailt Fort The3 Sunhshine
Waot Fo5 Thf Sujshine Waoit Fo5r Thfe Waiot For5 Thef Sunjshine Wakt Fof Thr Subshine Wakit Fofr Thre Subnshine Waikt Forf Ther Sunbshine
Wa8t Foe Th4 Sunsshine Wa8it Foer Th4e Sunhine Wai8t Fore The4 Sunhsine Waut Thd Sunzhine Wauit Thde Sunzshine Waiut Thed Sunszhine
Waitt Thw Sunwhine Wai Thwe Sunwshine Wait Thew Sunswhine Waif Sundhine Waift Sundshine Waitf Sunsdhine
Wai5 Sunehine Wai5t Suneshine Wait5 Sunsehine Waih Sunxhine Waiht Sunxshine Waith Sunsxhine
Waiy Sunahine Waiyt Sunashine

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