Flatt And Scruggs
Til The End Of The World Rolls Round

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

I tried to sail the sea of life, I rowed my boat alone

Your love meant nothing to me dear my heart was made of stone

To a harbor filled with loneliness my little boat was moored

And on the day I first met you I fell right overboard

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

Whenever you're around me dear my heart just won't be still

And when it comes to kissing you I'll never get my fill

They said I'd never settle down that I would always roam

That I could never be the type for a loving wife and home

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

So now I know the way I felt was only selfish pride

I thought my heart was fireproof but you burned your way inside

So tell me what I've got to do and tell me how it stands

The cards are on the table dear, my life is in your hands

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

Mirror lyrics:

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

The cards are on the table dear, my life is in your hands

So tell me what I've got to do and tell me how it stands

I thought my heart was fireproof but you burned your way inside

So now I know the way I felt was only selfish pride

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

That I could never be the type for a loving wife and home

They said I'd never settle down that I would always roam

And when it comes to kissing you I'll never get my fill

Whenever you're around me dear my heart just won't be still

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

And on the day I first met you I fell right overboard

To a harbor filled with loneliness my little boat was moored

Your love meant nothing to me dear my heart was made of stone

I tried to sail the sea of life, I rowed my boat alone

As long as the world goes round and around, I'll keep on loving you

'Til the big blue sky goes down to the ground

As long as the sun goes up and comes down

'Til the end of the world rolls round, I'll keep on loving you

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TTil TThe EEnd OOf TThe WWorld RRolls RRound il he nd f he orld olls ound iTl hTe nEd fO hTe oWrld oRlls oRund fil fhe snd kf fhe aorld dolls dound
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T5il T5he E3nd O9f T5he W3orld R4olls R4ound hil hhe fnd 0f hhe dorld golls gound hTil hThe fEnd 0Of hThe dWorld gRolls gRound Thil Thhe Efnd O0f Thhe Wdorld Rgolls Rgound
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6Til 6The 4End iOf 6The sWorld 5Rolls 5Round T6il T6he E4nd Oif T6he Wsorld R5olls R5ound gil ghe dnd Off ghe 2orld folls found gTil gThe dEnd O gThe 2World fRolls fRound
Tgil Tghe Ednd Of Tghe W2orld Rfolls Rfound ril rhe wnd Oc rhe qorld eolls eound rTil rThe wEnd Ocf rThe qWorld eRolls eRound Tril Trhe Ewnd Ofc Trhe Wqorld Reolls Reound
Tiil Ennd Or Woorld Roolls Roound Tl Te Ed Orf Te Wrld Rlls Rund Tli Teh Edn Ofr Teh Wrold Rlols Ruond Tjl Tje Emd Og Tje Wkrld Rklls Rkund
Tjil Tjhe Emnd Ogf Tjhe Wkorld Rkolls Rkound Tijl Thje Enmd Ofg Thje Wokrld Roklls Rokund T9l Tue Ehd Ot Tue W9rld R9lls R9und T9il Tuhe Ehnd Otf Tuhe W9orld R9olls R9ound
Ti9l Thue Enhd Oft Thue Wo9rld Ro9lls Ro9und Tll Tne Ejd Ov Tne W0rld R0lls R0und Tlil Tnhe Ejnd Ovf Tnhe W0orld R0olls R0ound Till Thne Enjd Ofv Thne Wo0rld Ro0lls Ro0und
Tol Tbe Ebd Od Tbe Wlrld Rllls Rlund Toil Tbhe Ebnd Odf Tbhe Wlorld Rlolls Rlound Tiol Thbe Enbd Ofd Thbe Wolrld Rollls Rolund Tkl Tge Endd Tge Wirld Rills Riund
Tkil En Wiorld Riolls Riound Tikl Thge End Thge Woirld Roills Roiund T8l Tye Enx Tye Worrld Rouund T8il Enxd Wold Rols Rond
Ti8l Thye Endx Thye Wolrd Rolls Ronud Tul Thee Ene Thee Wodld Rokls Rohnd Tuil Th Ened Th Wodrld Rohund Tiul The Ende The Wordld Rolkls Rouhnd
Ths Enf Ths Wo4ld Rools Ro7nd Ti Thse Enfd Thse Wo4rld Ro7und

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