Flatt And Scruggs
Good Times Are Past And Gone

I wish to Lord I'd never been born or died when I was young

I never would've seen your sparkling blue eyes or heard your lying tongue

All the good times are past and gone all the good times are o'er

All the good times are past and gone but brother don't you weep no more

[ fiddle ]

Now don't you see that lonesome dove flying from pine to pine

He's mourning for his own true love just like I mourn for mine

All the good times...

[ dobro ]

NBow can't you see that lonesome train going around the bend

It's takin' away my own true love to never return again

All the good times...

Mirror lyrics:

All the good times...

It's takin' away my own true love to never return again

NBow can't you see that lonesome train going around the bend

[ dobro ]

All the good times...

He's mourning for his own true love just like I mourn for mine

Now don't you see that lonesome dove flying from pine to pine

[ fiddle ]

All the good times are past and gone but brother don't you weep no more

All the good times are past and gone all the good times are o'er

I never would've seen your sparkling blue eyes or heard your lying tongue

I wish to Lord I'd never been born or died when I was young

Relevant Tags:
GGood TTimes AAre PPast AAnd GGone ood imes re ast nd one oGod iTmes rAe aPst nAd oGne hood fimes zre 0ast znd hone hGood fTimes zAre 0Past zAnd hGone
Ghood Tfimes Azre P0ast Aznd Ghone yood 5imes qre last qnd yone yGood 5Times qAre lPast qAnd yGone Gyood T5imes Aqre Plast Aqnd Gyone bood himes sre oast snd bone
bGood hTimes sAre oPast sAnd bGone Gbood Thimes Asre Poast Asnd Gbone vood yimes wre Paast wnd vone vGood yTimes wAre Pst wAnd vGone Gvood Tyimes Awre Psat Awnd Gvone
food 6imes xre Pzst xnd fone fGood 6Times xAre Pzast xAnd fGone Gfood T6imes Axre Pazst Axnd Gfone tood gimes Arre Pqst Annd tone tGood gTimes Ae Pqast Ad tGone
Gtood Tgimes Aer Paqst Adn Gtone Goood rimes Ade Psst Amd Goone God rTimes Adre Psast Amnd Gne Good Trimes Arde Passt Anmd Gnoe Gkod Tiimes A4e Pwst Ahd Gkne
Gkood Tmes A4re Pwast Ahnd Gkone Gokod Tmies Ar4e Pawst Anhd Gokne G9od Tjmes Age Pxst Ajd G9ne G9ood Tjimes Agre Pxast Ajnd G9one Go9od Tijmes Arge Paxst Anjd Go9ne
G0od T9mes Ate Abd G0ne G0ood T9imes Atre Pat Abnd G0one Go0od Ti9mes Arte Pats Anbd Go0ne Glod Tlmes A5e Pazt Andd Glne Glood Tlimes A5re An Glone
Golod Tilmes Ar5e Paszt And Golne Giod Tomes Afe Pawt Anx Gine Giood Toimes Afre Anxd Gione Goiod Tiomes Arfe Paswt Andx Goine Tkmes Aee Padt Ane Gonne
Tkimes Aere Padst Aned Goe Godo Tikmes Aree Pasdt Ande Goen Gokd T8mes Paet Anf Gome T8imes Ar Paest Anfd Gomne Gookd Ti8mes Are Paset Andf Gonme
Go9d Tumes Ars Paxt Anr Gohe Tuimes Arse Anrd Gohne Goo9d Tiumes Ares Pasxt Andr Gonhe Go0d Timmes Ar3 Paat Anc Goje Ties Ar3e Ancd Gojne

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