Flatt And Scruggs
I'll Take The Blame

I've slipped around, dear, two-timing you

Having fun now, like some guys do

But now I'm sorry and now I'm true

Forgive me, darling, its up to you

Well I don't blame you if you two-time, too

Because I'm guilty for the things I do

I've slipped around, love, played every game

And if you leave me I'll take the blame

I ain't got much money, I'm just a pauper guy

Trying to go on, dear without your love, I'll die

So please don't leave me, whatever you do

Just squeeze me, darling, while I'm loving you

Mirror lyrics:

Just squeeze me, darling, while I'm loving you

So please don't leave me, whatever you do

Trying to go on, dear without your love, I'll die

I ain't got much money, I'm just a pauper guy

And if you leave me I'll take the blame

I've slipped around, love, played every game

Because I'm guilty for the things I do

Well I don't blame you if you two-time, too

Forgive me, darling, its up to you

But now I'm sorry and now I'm true

Having fun now, like some guys do

I've slipped around, dear, two-timing you

Relevant Tags:
II'll TTake TThe BBlame 'll ake he lame 'Ill aTke hTe lBame j'll fake fhe vlame jI'll fTake fThe vBlame Ij'll Tfake Tfhe Bvlame
9'll 5ake 5he glame 9I'll 5Take 5The gBlame I9'll T5ake T5he Bglame l'll hake hhe nlame lI'll hTake hThe nBlame Il'll Thake Thhe Bnlame
o'll yake yhe hlame oI'll yTake yThe hBlame Io'll Tyake Tyhe Bhlame k'll 6ake 6he Bllame kI'll 6Take 6The Bame Ik'll T6ake T6he Balme
8'll gake ghe Bkame 8I'll gTake gThe Bklame I8'll Tgake Tghe Blkame u'll rake rhe Boame uI'll rTake rThe Bolame Iu'll Trake Trhe Bloame
I''ll Taake Bpame Ill Tke Te Bplame Il'l Tkae Teh Blpame I'lll Tzke Tje Blaame I'l Tzake Tjhe Blme I'll Tazke Thje Blmae
I'kl Tqke Tue Blzme I'kll Tqake Tuhe Blzame I'lkl Taqke Thue Blazme I'ol Tske Tne Blqme I'oll Tsake Tnhe Blqame I'lol Taske Thne Blaqme
I'pl Twke Tbe Blsme I'pll Twake Tbhe Blsame I'lpl Tawke Thbe Blasme Txke Tge Blwme Txake Blwame Taxke Thge Blawme

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