Fleetwood Mac
Planets Of The Universe

The bright light is lying down
The earth and the sea and the sky
Is at rest with the ocean
And the days go by

They go into the seas that have no shores...
Haunted by that same closed door...
Looking up at skies on fire...
Leaving nothing left of us...
To discover...

And the planets of the universe Go their way
Not astounded by the sun or the moon
Or by the day
You and I will simply disappear
Out of sight
Ooh, but I'm afraid soon there'll be
No light

No doubt, no pain
Come ever again, well let there be light in this lifetime
In the cool silent moments
Of the nighttime.
Of the nighttime

And the planets of the universe
Go their way
Not astounded by the sun or the moon
Or by the day
We will never change again
The way that we are changing
Well you forget the chill of love, but not the strain

Now I know
Well, I was wrong to live for a dream
If I had my life to live over
I would never dream, no
I still wish you gone
And I will live alone
Yes, I will live alone

And the planets of the universe go their way
I know you don't believe it
Not astounded by the soon or moon or day
I know you don't believe it
You and I will simply disappear out of sight
Well, but I'm afraid soon there'll be no light

You will never love again the way you love me
You will never rule again the way you've ruled me
You will never change again the way you're changing
You will never rule again the way you've ruled me

Mirror lyrics:

You will never rule again the way you've ruled me
You will never change again the way you're changing
You will never rule again the way you've ruled me
You will never love again the way you love me

Well, but I'm afraid soon there'll be no light
You and I will simply disappear out of sight
I know you don't believe it
Not astounded by the soon or moon or day
I know you don't believe it
And the planets of the universe go their way

Yes, I will live alone
And I will live alone
I still wish you gone
I would never dream, no
If I had my life to live over
Well, I was wrong to live for a dream
Now I know

Well you forget the chill of love, but not the strain
The way that we are changing
We will never change again
Or by the day
Not astounded by the sun or the moon
Go their way
And the planets of the universe

Of the nighttime
Of the nighttime.
In the cool silent moments
Come ever again, well let there be light in this lifetime
No doubt, no pain

No light
Ooh, but I'm afraid soon there'll be
Out of sight
You and I will simply disappear
Or by the day
Not astounded by the sun or the moon
And the planets of the universe Go their way

To discover...
Leaving nothing left of us...
Looking up at skies on fire...
Haunted by that same closed door...
They go into the seas that have no shores...

And the days go by
Is at rest with the ocean
The earth and the sea and the sky
The bright light is lying down

Relevant Tags:
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llanets 9f 5he 7niverse lPlanets 9Of 5The 7Universe Pllanets O9f T5he U7niverse olanets 0f hhe kniverse oPlanets 0Of hThe kUniverse Polanets O0f Thhe Ukniverse
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Poanets Off ghe jniverse O gThe jUniverse Ploanets Of Tghe Ujniverse Ppanets Oc rhe yniverse Pplanets Ocf rThe yUniverse Plpanets Ofc Trhe Uyniverse
Plaanets Or Unniverse Plnets Orf Te Uiverse Plnaets Ofr Teh Uinverse Plznets Og Tje Umiverse Plzanets Ogf Tjhe Umniverse Plaznets Ofg Thje Unmiverse
Plqnets Ot Tue Uhiverse Plqanets Otf Tuhe Plaqnets Oft Thue Unhiverse Plsnets Ov Tne Ujiverse Plsanets Ovf Tnhe Plasnets Ofv Thne Unjiverse
Plwnets Od Tbe Ubiverse Plwanets Odf Tbhe Ubniverse Plawnets Ofd Thbe Unbiverse Plxnets Tge Uniiverse Plxanets Unverse Plaxnets Thge Unvierse
Plannets Tye Unjverse Plaets Plaents Thye Unijverse Plamets Thee Un9verse Plamnets Th Un9iverse Planmets The Uni9verse
Plahets Ths Unlverse Plahnets Thse Unliverse Planhets Thes Unilverse Plajets Th3 Unoverse Plajnets Th3e Unoiverse Planjets The3 Unioverse
Plabets Thf Unkverse Plabnets Thfe Unkiverse Planbets Thef Unikverse Planeets Thr Un8verse Plants Thre Un8iverse Plantes Ther Uni8verse
Plansts Th4 Unuverse Plansets Th4e Unuiverse Planests The4 Uniuverse Plan3ts Thd Univverse Plan3ets Thde Unierse Plane3ts Thed Unievrse
Planfts Thw Uniberse Planfets Thwe Unibverse Planefts Thew Univberse Planrts Unicerse Planrets Unicverse Planerts Univcerse
Plan4ts Unigerse Plan4ets Unigverse Plane4ts Univgerse Plandts Uniferse Plandets Unifverse Planedts Univferse

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