Dynamite Boy
Last Chance

i'm tired of you
forbidden fruit is sweeter
but i'm too scared to end it
what can i do, that's how it goes
marks on the floor
a bridge better left burning
the dust has gathered on us
the tides are still, the love is gone
i'm holding on
she is the one who helped me
through all the agony of losing you
it's all been true
i can not change my feelings
i think we both can see what they all know
out of the blue
it's not that real
the mess we made pretending
i took my chances with you
i won't complain, hit me again
we're miles away
stuck till at least tomorrow
the boat that we set sail in it took a dive right down the falls

Mirror lyrics:

the boat that we set sail in it took a dive right down the falls
stuck till at least tomorrow
we're miles away
i won't complain, hit me again
i took my chances with you
the mess we made pretending
it's not that real
out of the blue
i think we both can see what they all know
i can not change my feelings
it's all been true
through all the agony of losing you
she is the one who helped me
i'm holding on
the tides are still, the love is gone
the dust has gathered on us
a bridge better left burning
marks on the floor
what can i do, that's how it goes
but i'm too scared to end it
forbidden fruit is sweeter
i'm tired of you

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