Dwight Yoakam
These Arms

These arms
That hang here by my side.
These arms
That ache to open wide.
Useless arms
With nothing left to do
Since these arms
Stopped holding you.

These arms
Are worthless now to me.
They let you go
So how good could they be
Just foolish arms
For which I have no need
A pair of arms
That grew weak and set love free.

Reaching out to embrace affect now Marie
Finding just the empty space
Around what's left of me.

Two arms that failed completely
Arms both scarred so deeply
Keep paying loves cost with each tragic sway

Trying meekly to assess my struggle with the truth
Unable to resist what tears still make us new

Two arms that failed completely
Arms both scarred so deeply
Keeps paying loves cost with each tragic sway

These arms
That hang here by my side.
These arms
That ache to open wide.
Useless arms
With nothing left to do
Since these arms
Stopped holding you.

Since these arms
Stopped holding you.

Mirror lyrics:

Stopped holding you.
Since these arms

Stopped holding you.
Since these arms
With nothing left to do
Useless arms
That ache to open wide.
These arms
That hang here by my side.
These arms

Keeps paying loves cost with each tragic sway
Arms both scarred so deeply
Two arms that failed completely

Unable to resist what tears still make us new
Trying meekly to assess my struggle with the truth

Keep paying loves cost with each tragic sway
Arms both scarred so deeply
Two arms that failed completely

Around what's left of me.
Finding just the empty space
Reaching out to embrace affect now Marie

That grew weak and set love free.
A pair of arms
For which I have no need
Just foolish arms
So how good could they be
They let you go
Are worthless now to me.
These arms

Stopped holding you.
Since these arms
With nothing left to do
Useless arms
That ache to open wide.
These arms
That hang here by my side.
These arms

Relevant Tags:
TThese AArms hese rms hTese rAms fhese zrms fThese zArms Tfhese Azrms 5hese qrms 5These qArms T5hese Aqrms hhese srms hThese sArms
Thhese Asrms yhese wrms yThese wArms Tyhese Awrms 6hese xrms 6These xArms T6hese Axrms ghese Arrms gThese Ams Tghese Amrs rhese Adms
rThese Adrms Trhese Ardms A4ms Tese A4rms Tehse Ar4ms Tjese Agms Tjhese Agrms Thjese Argms Tuese Atms Tuhese Atrms Thuese Artms
Tnese A5ms Tnhese A5rms Thnese Ar5ms Tbese Afms Tbhese Afrms Thbese Arfms Tgese Aems Aerms Thgese Arems Tyese Armms Ars
Thyese Arsm Theese Arjs Thse Arjms Thsee Armjs Thsse Arks Thsese Arkms Thesse Armks Th3se Arns

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