Dwight Yoakam
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It (live)

(Clarence Williams)

Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

Well I'm standin' on a corner
With a bucket in my hand
I'm waitin' for a woman
That ain't got no man.

'Cause my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
I can't buy no beer.

Well, I went up on the mountain
I looked down in the sea
I seen the crabs and the fishes
Doin' the be - bop - bee.

Well, there ain't no use
Of me workin' so hard
When I got a woman
In the boss man's yard.

Well, me and my baby
We just bought a Ford
And now we sit together
On the running board...

Mirror lyrics:

On the running board...
And now we sit together
We just bought a Ford
Well, me and my baby

In the boss man's yard.
When I got a woman
Of me workin' so hard
Well, there ain't no use

Doin' the be - bop - bee.
I seen the crabs and the fishes
I looked down in the sea
Well, I went up on the mountain

I can't buy no beer.
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
'Cause my bucket's got a hole in it

That ain't got no man.
I'm waitin' for a woman
With a bucket in my hand
Well I'm standin' on a corner

I can't buy no beer.
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it
Yea! my bucket's got a hole in it

(Clarence Williams)

Relevant Tags:
MMy BBucket's GGot AA HHole IIn IIt ((live) y ucket's ot ole n t live) yM uBcket's oGt A oHle nI tI l(ive) jy vucket's hot z jole jn jt (llive) jMy vBucket's hGot zA jHole jIn jIt (ive)
Mjy Bvucket's Ghot Az Hjole Ijn Ijt (ilve) ky gucket's yot q uole 9n 9t (kive) kMy gBucket's yGot qA uHole 9In 9It (klive) Mky Bgucket's Gyot Aq Huole I9n I9t (lkive) ny nucket's bot s nole ln lt (oive)
nMy nBucket's bGot sA nHole lIn lIt (olive) Mny Bnucket's Gbot As Hnole Iln Ilt (loive) Myy hucket's vot w bole on ot (pive) M hBucket's vGot wA bHole oIn oIt (plive) My Bhucket's Gvot Aw Hbole Ion Iot (lpive)
Mg Buucket's fot x gole kn kt (liive) Mgy Bcket's fGot xA gHole kIn kIt (lve) Myg Bcuket's Gfot Ax Hgole Ikn Ikt (lvie) Mh Bhcket's tot yole 8n 8t (ljve) Mhy tGot yHole 8In 8It (ljive)
Myh Buhcket's Gtot Hyole I8n I8t (lijve) M6 B7cket's Goot Hoole un ut (l9ve) M6y B7ucket's Gt Hle uIn uIt (l9ive) My6 Bu7cket's Gto Hloe Iun Iut (li9ve) Mu Bkcket's Gkt Hkle Inn Itt (llve)
Muy Bkucket's Gkot Hkole I I Myu Bukcket's Gokt Hokle In It (lilve) M7 Bicket's G9t H9le Im If (love) M7y Biucket's G9ot H9ole Imn Ift My7 Buicket's Go9t Ho9le Inm Itf (liove)
Mj B8cket's G0t H0le Ih I5 (lkve) B8ucket's G0ot H0ole Ihn I5t Myj Bu8cket's Go0t Ho0le Inh It5 (likve) Mt Bjcket's Glt Hlle Ij Ih (l8ve) Mty Bjucket's Glot Hlole Iht (l8ive)
Myt Bujcket's Golt Holle Inj Ith (li8ve) Bycket's Git Hile Ib Iy (luve) Byucket's Giot Hiole Ibn Iyt (luive) Buycket's Goit Hoile Inb Ity (liuve) Buccket's Gott I6 (livve)
Buket's Go Hoe I6t (lie) Bukcet's Got Hoel It6 (liev) Bufket's Gof Hoke Ig (libe) Bufcket's Goft Igt (libve) Bucfket's Gotf Holke Itg (livbe)
Buxket's Go5 Hooe Ir (lice) Buxcket's Go5t Irt (licve) Bucxket's Got5 Holoe Itr (livce) Buvket's Goh Hope (lige) Buvcket's Goht Hople (ligve)
Bucvket's Goth Holpe (livge) Budket's Goy Holee (life) Budcket's Goyt Hol (lifve) Bucdket's Goty Hole (livfe) Buckket's Go6 Hols (livee)
Bucet's Go6t Holse (liv) Bucekt's Got6 Holes (liv)e Buclet's Gog Hol3 (livs) Buclket's Gogt Hol3e (livse) Bucklet's Gotg Hole3 (lives)
Bucoet's Gor Holf (liv3) Bucoket's Gort Holfe (liv3e) Buckoet's Gotr Holef (live3) Bucmet's Holr (livf) Bucmket's Holre
Buckmet's Holer (livef) Bucjet's Hol4 (livr) Bucjket's Hol4e (livre) Buckjet's Hole4 (liver) Buciet's Hold (liv4)
Buciket's Holde (liv4e)

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