Dwight Yoakam
Lucky That Way

(Dwight Yoakam)

Have you ever seen a heart
As it lays dyin'
While what's left of it's life
Slips away
Well, any tears that get shed
Ain't worth cryin'
'Cause I've seen plenty
I'm lucky that way.

Have you ever heard a voice
Start to moanin'
After despair's choked it's
Last words away
Well, any worse sound
Defies your ears even knowin'
And Lord, I've heard plenty
I'm lucky that way.

So wrap your warm arms around me
And let our weak hands deal out love's sad fate.

--- Instrumental ---

Then press your soft lips against me
And let the first bets on new love be made.

Have you ever watched a couple
Where one stands crying
While begging the other
To please stay
The awful truth is
It ain't worth the tryin'
Lord, I've watched plenty
I'm lucky that way.

Lord, I've watched plenty
I'm lucky that way...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm lucky that way...
Lord, I've watched plenty

I'm lucky that way.
Lord, I've watched plenty
It ain't worth the tryin'
The awful truth is
To please stay
While begging the other
Where one stands crying
Have you ever watched a couple

And let the first bets on new love be made.
Then press your soft lips against me

--- Instrumental ---

And let our weak hands deal out love's sad fate.
So wrap your warm arms around me

I'm lucky that way.
And Lord, I've heard plenty
Defies your ears even knowin'
Well, any worse sound
Last words away
After despair's choked it's
Start to moanin'
Have you ever heard a voice

I'm lucky that way.
'Cause I've seen plenty
Ain't worth cryin'
Well, any tears that get shed
Slips away
While what's left of it's life
As it lays dyin'
Have you ever seen a heart

(Dwight Yoakam)

Relevant Tags:
LLucky TThat WWay ucky hat ay uLcky hTat aWy kucky fhat aay kLucky fThat aWay Lkucky Tfhat Waay oucky 5hat 3ay oLucky 5That 3Way
Loucky T5hat W3ay pucky hhat day pLucky hThat dWay Lpucky Thhat Wday Luucky yhat eay Lcky yThat eWay Lcuky Tyhat Weay Lhcky 6hat say
Lhucky 6That sWay Luhcky T6hat Wsay L7cky ghat 2ay L7ucky gThat 2Way Lu7cky Tghat W2ay Lkcky rhat qay rThat qWay Lukcky Trhat Wqay
Licky Liucky Tat Wy Luicky Taht Wya L8cky Tjat Wzy L8ucky Tjhat Wzay Lu8cky Thjat Wazy Ljcky Tuat Wqy Ljucky Tuhat
Lujcky Thuat Waqy Lycky Tnat Wsy Lyucky Tnhat Luycky Thnat Wasy Luccky Tbat Wwy Luky Tbhat Wway Lukcy Thbat Wawy Lufky Tgat Wxy
Lufcky Wxay Lucfky Thgat Waxy Luxky Tyat Wayy Luxcky Wa Lucxky Thyat Way Luvky Thaat Wag

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