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The Last Dinosaur In Congo

Ignore them
Conceal them
Cause I'm in here
And they're out there

Sure you wanna know it?
Sure you wanna go there?
If I knew you
If I knew her

I have made it
I can't face it
I am in there
You are out here

Why am I afraid to die?
When I see them suffering

Be there
I'm too young now
I am on the run
Where are we going to?

Hold on, I will be there soon
Bet they need you now, before you loose control

Beat them, as they treat me now
You are beating, up the wrong guy now

Told you, I swore an oath
I am the last dinosaur in congo

We are in there
You are out here
They should face me
When they break me
We are in there
You are out here
I am the last

Beat them, as they treat me now
You are beating up the wrong guy now

Beat them, as they treat me now
You are beating up the wrong guy now

Beat them, as they treat me now
You are beating up the wrong guy now

Beat them, as they treat me now
You are beating up the wrong guy now

Mirror lyrics:

You are beating up the wrong guy now
Beat them, as they treat me now

You are beating up the wrong guy now
Beat them, as they treat me now

You are beating up the wrong guy now
Beat them, as they treat me now

You are beating up the wrong guy now
Beat them, as they treat me now

I am the last
You are out here
We are in there
When they break me
They should face me
You are out here
We are in there

I am the last dinosaur in congo
Told you, I swore an oath

You are beating, up the wrong guy now
Beat them, as they treat me now

Bet they need you now, before you loose control
Hold on, I will be there soon

Where are we going to?
I am on the run
I'm too young now
Be there

When I see them suffering
Why am I afraid to die?

You are out here
I am in there
I can't face it
I have made it

If I knew her
If I knew you
Sure you wanna go there?
Sure you wanna know it?

And they're out there
Cause I'm in here
Conceal them
Ignore them

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLast DDinosaur IIn CCongo he ast inosaur n ongo hTe aLst iDnosaur nI oCngo fhe kast xinosaur jn fongo fThe kLast xDinosaur jIn fCongo
Tfhe Lkast Dxinosaur Ijn Cfongo 5he oast einosaur 9n xongo 5The oLast eDinosaur 9In xCongo T5he Loast Deinosaur I9n Cxongo hhe past finosaur ln vongo
hThe pLast fDinosaur lIn vCongo Thhe Lpast Dfinosaur Iln Cvongo yhe Laast rinosaur on dongo yThe Lst rDinosaur oIn dCongo Tyhe Lsat Drinosaur Ion Cdongo
6he Lzst cinosaur kn Coongo 6The Lzast cDinosaur kIn Cngo T6he Lazst Dcinosaur Ikn Cnogo ghe Lqst sinosaur 8n Ckngo gThe Lqast sDinosaur 8In Ckongo
Tghe Laqst Dsinosaur I8n Cokngo rhe Lsst Diinosaur un C9ngo rThe Lsast Dnosaur uIn C9ongo Trhe Lasst Dniosaur Iun Co9ngo Lwst Djnosaur Inn C0ngo
Te Lwast Djinosaur I C0ongo Teh Lawst Dijnosaur In Co0ngo Tje Lxst D9nosaur Im Clngo Tjhe Lxast D9inosaur Imn Clongo Thje Laxst Di9nosaur Inm Colngo
Tue Dlnosaur Ih Cingo Tuhe Lat Dlinosaur Ihn Ciongo Thue Lats Dilnosaur Inh Coingo Tne Lazt Donosaur Ij Conngo Tnhe Doinosaur Cogo
Thne Laszt Dionosaur Inj Cogno Tbe Lawt Dknosaur Ib Comgo Tbhe Dkinosaur Ibn Comngo Thbe Laswt Diknosaur Inb Conmgo Tge Ladt D8nosaur Cohgo
Ladst D8inosaur Cohngo Thge Lasdt Di8nosaur Conhgo Tye Laet Dunosaur Cojgo Laest Duinosaur Cojngo Thye Laset Diunosaur Conjgo
Thee Laxt Dinnosaur Cobgo Th Diosaur Cobngo The Lasxt Dionsaur Conbgo Ths Laat Dimosaur Conggo Thse Dimnosaur Cono
Thes Lasat Dinmosaur Conog Th3 Lastt Dihosaur Conho Th3e Las Dihnosaur The3 Last Dinhosaur Congho Thf Lasf Dijosaur Conyo
Thfe Lasft Conygo Thef Lastf Dinjosaur Congyo Thr Las5 Dibosaur Conbo Thre Las5t Dibnosaur Ther Last5 Dinbosaur Congbo
Th4 Lash Dinoosaur Convo Th4e Lasht Dinsaur Convgo The4 Lasth Dinsoaur Congvo Thd Lasy Dinksaur Confo Thde Lasyt Dinkosaur Confgo
Thed Lasty Dinoksaur Congfo Thw Las6 Din9saur Conto Thwe Las6t Din9osaur Contgo Thew Last6 Dino9saur Congto Lasg Din0saur Congoo
Lasgt Din0osaur Cong Lastg Dino0saur Congo Lasr Dinlsaur Congk Lasrt Dinlosaur Congko Lastr Dinolsaur Congok
Dinisaur Cong9 Diniosaur Cong9o Dinoisaur Congo9 Dinossaur Cong0 Dinoaur Cong0o

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