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Victim Of The City

He will party each and everyday
Until the world just fates away
He surrenders almost everyday
He hopes to fade away

we were meant to cry
and we want to try
to tell you it ain't too late
Don't accept the breath of hate
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Make a magic sweet escape
(life is not a party)
Yeah, breake the chains of fate

Tell me if you are enjoying the view
From the edge where you are standing
We try to reach deep down into you're heart
But silence can be so demanding

we were meant to cry
and we want to try
to tell you it ain't too late
Don't accept the breath of hate
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Make a magic sweet escape
(life is not a party)
Yeah, breake the chains of fate

(as a victim of the city)
Don't accept the breath of hate
(Breake the chains that hold you)
As a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Make a magic sweet escape
(life is not a party
Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate)

Don't accept the breath of hate
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Make a magic sweet escape
(life is not a party)
Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate)
(breake the chains that holds you)
Make a magic sweet escape
(life is not a party)
Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate (chains of fate)

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate (chains of fate)
(life is not a party)
Make a magic sweet escape
(breake the chains that holds you)
Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate)
(life is not a party)
Make a magic sweet escape
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Don't accept the breath of hate

Yeah, breake the chains of fate (chains of fate)
(life is not a party
Make a magic sweet escape
(breake the chains that hold you)
As a victim of the city
(Breake the chains that hold you)
Don't accept the breath of hate
(as a victim of the city)

Yeah, breake the chains of fate
(life is not a party)
Make a magic sweet escape
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Don't accept the breath of hate
to tell you it ain't too late
and we want to try
we were meant to cry

But silence can be so demanding
We try to reach deep down into you're heart
From the edge where you are standing
Tell me if you are enjoying the view

Yeah, breake the chains of fate
(life is not a party)
Make a magic sweet escape
(breake the chains that hold you)
as a victim of the city
(breake the chains that hold you)
Don't accept the breath of hate
to tell you it ain't too late
and we want to try
we were meant to cry

He hopes to fade away
He surrenders almost everyday
Until the world just fates away
He will party each and everyday

Relevant Tags:
VVictim OOf TThe CCity ictim f he ity iVctim fO hTe iCty bictim kf fhe fity bVictim kOf fThe fCity Vbictim Okf Tfhe Cfity
cictim 9f 5he xity cVictim 9Of 5The xCity Vcictim O9f T5he Cxity gictim 0f hhe vity gVictim 0Of hThe vCity Vgictim O0f Thhe Cvity
fictim lf yhe dity fVictim lOf yThe dCity Vfictim Olf Tyhe Cdity Viictim if 6he Ciity Vctim iOf 6The Cty Vcitim Oif T6he Ctiy
Vjctim Off ghe Cjty Vjictim O gThe Cjity Vijctim Of Tghe Cijty V9ctim Oc rhe C9ty V9ictim Ocf rThe C9ity Vi9ctim Ofc Trhe Ci9ty
Vlctim Or Clty Vlictim Orf Te Clity Vilctim Ofr Teh Cilty Voctim Og Tje Coty Voictim Ogf Tjhe Coity Vioctim Ofg Thje Cioty
Vkctim Ot Tue Ckty Vkictim Otf Tuhe Ckity Vikctim Oft Thue Cikty V8ctim Ov Tne C8ty V8ictim Ovf Tnhe C8ity Vi8ctim Ofv Thne Ci8ty
Vuctim Od Tbe Cuty Vuictim Odf Tbhe Cuity Viuctim Ofd Thbe Ciuty Vicctim Tge Citty Vitim Ciy Vitcim Thge Ciyt
Viftim Tye Cify Vifctim Cifty Vicftim Thye Citfy Vixtim Thee Ci5y Vixctim Th Ci5ty Vicxtim The Cit5y
Vivtim Ths Cihy Vivctim Thse Cihty Vicvtim Thes Cithy Vidtim Th3 Ciyy Vidctim Th3e Ciyty Vicdtim The3 Cityy
Victtim Thf Ci6y Vicim Thfe Ci6ty

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