Dusty Springfield
That Old Sweet Roll

Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi
Gonna find me a piece of the sky
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Singing, "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-di-ho"

Listen, I've been down so low
That the bottom looked like up
Once I felt like second saves
Was enough to fill my cup

Now I've offered all I have
But it ain't no way to live
Being taken by the ones who have
The least amount to give

Singing, "Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi"
Got to find me a piece of the sky
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Singing, "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-ho"

I wanna tell you, once I met the devil
He was mighty slick
Tempted me with worldly goods
Said I could have my pick

But when he laid the paper on me
And showed me where to sign
I said "Thank you" very kindly
But I'm in too great a need of mine

Singing, "Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi", oh
Got to find me a piece of that sky
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Singing "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-ho", yeah

Hi-de-hi-de-ho, yeah
Talking 'bout hi-de-hi-de-ho

Mirror lyrics:

Talking 'bout hi-de-hi-de-ho
Hi-de-hi-de-ho, yeah

Singing "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-ho", yeah
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Got to find me a piece of that sky
Singing, "Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi", oh

But I'm in too great a need of mine
I said "Thank you" very kindly
And showed me where to sign
But when he laid the paper on me

Said I could have my pick
Tempted me with worldly goods
He was mighty slick
I wanna tell you, once I met the devil

Singing, "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-ho"
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Got to find me a piece of the sky
Singing, "Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi"

The least amount to give
Being taken by the ones who have
But it ain't no way to live
Now I've offered all I have

Was enough to fill my cup
Once I felt like second saves
That the bottom looked like up
Listen, I've been down so low

Singing, "Hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-di-ho"
Gonna find me some of that old sweet roll
Gonna find me a piece of the sky
Hi-de-ho, hi-de-hi

Relevant Tags:
TThat OOld SSweet RRoll hat ld weet oll hTat lOd wSeet oRll fhat kld zweet doll fThat kOld zSweet dRoll Tfhat Okld Szweet Rdoll
5hat 9ld wweet 4oll 5That 9Old wSweet 4Roll T5hat O9ld Swweet R4oll hhat 0ld dweet goll hThat 0Old dSweet gRoll Thhat O0ld Sdweet Rgoll
yhat lld eweet toll yThat lOld eSweet tRoll Tyhat Olld Seweet Rtoll 6hat ild xweet 5oll 6That iOld xSweet 5Roll T6hat Oild Sxweet R5oll
ghat aweet foll gThat Od aSweet fRoll Tghat Odl Saweet Rfoll rhat Okd eoll rThat Seet eRoll Trhat Olkd Sewet Reoll
Ood Saeet Rooll Tat Oold Rll Taht Olod Swaeet Rlol Tjat Opd S3eet Rkll Tjhat Opld S3weet Rkoll Thjat Olpd Sw3eet Rokll
Tuat Oldd Sdeet R9ll Tuhat Ol R9oll Thuat Old Swdeet Ro9ll Tnat Olx Seeet R0ll Tnhat Olxd R0oll Thnat Oldx Sweeet Ro0ll
Tbat Ole Sseet Rlll Tbhat Oled Ssweet Rloll Thbat Olde Swseet Rolll Tgat Olf S2eet Rill Olfd S2weet Rioll Thgat Oldf Sw2eet Roill
Tyat Olr Sqeet Olrd Sqweet Rol Thyat Oldr Swqeet Roll Thaat Olc Rokl Tht Olcd Swet Thta Oldc Sweet Rolkl

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