Dusty Springfield
I Can't Wait Until I See My Baby's Face

I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face
When I tell him that I'm through
Yes, I'm through with him
'Cause he's been running round
And I got to, to put him down
I can't wait to see the look
The look in his eyes

I wonder if he'll cry
When I tell him this is goodbye, yes it is
Or will he try to change my mind
And make me stay? yeah

Or will he turn around
And, with a smile on his face
Just walk away?
Just walk away

I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face
Gotta find out what I mean
What I mean to him
'Cause just one tear is all he's got to, to shed for me
And I know that l will run, yes I'll run to him
I'll hold him tight
Never, never let him go, no-o-o

And I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face
You know, I just can't wait until I see my baby's, baby's face
You know, I just can't wait until I see my, my baby's face
I can't wait until I

Mirror lyrics:

I can't wait until I
You know, I just can't wait until I see my, my baby's face
You know, I just can't wait until I see my baby's, baby's face
And I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face

Never, never let him go, no-o-o
I'll hold him tight
And I know that l will run, yes I'll run to him
'Cause just one tear is all he's got to, to shed for me
What I mean to him
Gotta find out what I mean
I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face

Just walk away
Just walk away?
And, with a smile on his face
Or will he turn around

And make me stay? yeah
Or will he try to change my mind
When I tell him this is goodbye, yes it is
I wonder if he'll cry

The look in his eyes
I can't wait to see the look
And I got to, to put him down
'Cause he's been running round
Yes, I'm through with him
When I tell him that I'm through
I can't wait until I see my, my baby's face

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't WWait UUntil II SSee MMy BBaby's FFace an't ait ntil ee y aby's ace I aCn't aWit nUtil I eSe yM aBby's aFce
j fan't aait hntil j zee jy vaby's cace jI fCan't aWait hUntil jI zSee jMy vBaby's cFace Ij Cfan't Waait Uhntil Ij Szee Mjy Bvaby's Fcace
9 xan't 3ait 7ntil 9 wee ky gaby's race 9I xCan't 3Wait 7Until 9I wSee kMy gBaby's rFace I9 Cxan't W3ait U7ntil I9 Swee Mky Bgaby's Frace
l van't dait kntil l dee ny naby's gace lI vCan't dWait kUntil lI dSee nMy nBaby's gFace Il Cvan't Wdait Ukntil Il Sdee Mny Bnaby's Fgace
o dan't eait intil o eee Myy haby's tace oI dCan't eWait iUntil oI eSee M hBaby's tFace Io Cdan't Weait Uintil Io Seee My Bhaby's Ftace
k Caan't sait 8ntil k xee Mg Baaby's vace kI Cn't sWait 8Until kI xSee Mgy Bby's vFace Ik Cna't Wsait U8ntil Ik Sxee Myg Bbay's Fvace
8 Czn't 2ait jntil 8 aee Mh Bzby's dace 8I Czan't 2Wait jUntil 8I aSee Mhy Bzaby's dFace I8 Cazn't W2ait Ujntil I8 Saee Myh Bazby's Fdace
u Cqn't qait yntil u M6 Bqby's Faace uI Cqan't qWait yUntil uI Se M6y Bqaby's Fce Iu Caqn't Wqait Uyntil Iu See My6 Baqby's Fcae
Csn't Unntil Sse Mu Bsby's Fzce Csan't Wit Util Ssee Muy Bsaby's Fzace Casn't Wiat Utnil Sese Myu Basby's Fazce
Cwn't Wzit Umtil S3e M7 Bwby's Fqce Cwan't Wzait Umntil S3ee M7y Bwaby's Fqace Cawn't Wazit Unmtil Se3e My7 Bawby's Faqce
Cxn't Wqit Uhtil Sfe Mj Bxby's Fsce Sfee Bxaby's Fsace Caxn't Waqit Unhtil Sefe Myj Baxby's Fasce
Cann't Wsit Ujtil Sre Mt Babby's Fwce Ca't Sree Mty Bay's Fwace Ca'nt Wasit Unjtil Sere Myt Bayb's Fawce
Cam't Wwit Ubtil S4e Bavy's Fxce Camn't Wwait Ubntil S4ee Bavby's Fxace Canm't Wawit Unbtil Se4e Babvy's Faxce
Cah't Wxit Unttil Sde Bagy's Facce Cahn't Wxait Unil Bagby's Fae Canh't Waxit Unitl Sede Babgy's Faec
Caj't Waiit Unfil Swe Bany's Fafe Cajn't Wat Unftil Banby's Fafce Canj't Wati Untfil Sewe Babny's Facfe
Cab't Wajt Un5il Bahy's Faxe Cabn't Wajit Un5til Bahby's

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