Dusty Springfield
A House Is Not A Home

A chair is still a chair
Even though there's no-one sitting there
But a chair is not a house
And a house is not a home
When there's no-one there to hold you tight
And no-one there you can kiss goodnight

A room is still a room
Even though there's nothing there but gloom
But a room is not a house
And a house is not a home
When the two of us are far apart
And one of us has a broken heart

Now and then I call your name
And suddenly your voice appears
But it's just a crazy game
When it ends, it ends in tears

Darling, have a heart
Don't let one mistake keep us apart
I'm not meant to live alone
Turn this house into a home
When I climb the stairs
And turn the key
Oh, please be there
Still in love with me

I'm not meant to live alone
Turn this house into a home
When I climb the stairs
And turn the key
Oh, please be there
Still in love with me

Mirror lyrics:

Still in love with me
Oh, please be there
And turn the key
When I climb the stairs
Turn this house into a home
I'm not meant to live alone

Still in love with me
Oh, please be there
And turn the key
When I climb the stairs
Turn this house into a home
I'm not meant to live alone
Don't let one mistake keep us apart
Darling, have a heart

When it ends, it ends in tears
But it's just a crazy game
And suddenly your voice appears
Now and then I call your name

And one of us has a broken heart
When the two of us are far apart
And a house is not a home
But a room is not a house
Even though there's nothing there but gloom
A room is still a room

And no-one there you can kiss goodnight
When there's no-one there to hold you tight
And a house is not a home
But a chair is not a house
Even though there's no-one sitting there
A chair is still a chair

Relevant Tags:
AA HHouse IIs NNot AA HHome ouse s ot ome A oHuse sI oNt A oHme z jouse js mot z jome zA jHouse jIs mNot zA jHome Az Hjouse Ijs Nmot Az Hjome
q uouse 9s hot q uome qA uHouse 9Is hNot qA uHome Aq Huouse I9s Nhot Aq Huome s nouse ls jot s nome sA nHouse lIs jNot sA nHome As Hnouse Ils Njot As Hnome
w bouse os bot w bome wA bHouse oIs bNot wA bHome Aw Hbouse Ios Nbot Aw Hbome x gouse ks Noot x gome xA gHouse kIs Nt xA gHome Ax Hgouse Iks Nto Ax Hgome
youse 8s Nkt yome yHouse 8Is Nkot yHome Hyouse I8s Nokt Hyome Hoouse us N9t Hoome Huse uIs N9ot Hme Huose Ius No9t Hmoe
Hkuse Iss N0t Hkme Hkouse I N0ot Hkome Hokuse Is No0t Hokme H9use Iz Nlt H9me H9ouse Izs Nlot H9ome Ho9use Isz Nolt Ho9me
H0use Iw Nit H0me H0ouse Iws Niot H0ome Ho0use Isw Noit Ho0me Hluse Id Nott Hlme Hlouse Ids No Hlome Holuse Isd Not Holme
Hiuse Ie Nof Hime Hiouse Ies Noft Hiome Hoiuse Ise Notf Hoime Houuse Ix No5 Homme Hose Ixs No5t Hoe Hosue Isx Not5 Hoem
Hohse Ia Noh Hoje Hohuse Ias Noht Hojme Houhse Isa Noth Homje Ho7se Noy Hoke Ho7use Noyt Hou7se Noty Homke
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