Duran Duran
Say The Word

Theres a skill, it's nothing we could learn at school
With a will to survive beneath this rule
Money thrives as corruptions president
Waste the life of the yong and innocent
But after all and the resistant can be disobeyed
So, when we call, please don't think twice or be afraid
Hey, mister, say something

Say the word - if your eyes are open
Say the word - before this love is broken

(say the word)

The lights are down, but you don't sleep so tight
The words around that we play for keeps tonight
As we all know even the best made plans go wrong sometimes
But if it blows well be the ones they victimize
Hey, mister, say something

(chorus) (chorus) (chorus) (chorus) (chorus)

To put this right

Mirror lyrics:

To put this right

(chorus) (chorus) (chorus) (chorus) (chorus)

Hey, mister, say something
But if it blows well be the ones they victimize
As we all know even the best made plans go wrong sometimes
The words around that we play for keeps tonight
The lights are down, but you don't sleep so tight

(say the word)

Say the word - before this love is broken
Say the word - if your eyes are open

Hey, mister, say something
So, when we call, please don't think twice or be afraid
But after all and the resistant can be disobeyed
Waste the life of the yong and innocent
Money thrives as corruptions president
With a will to survive beneath this rule
Theres a skill, it's nothing we could learn at school

Relevant Tags:
SSay TThe WWord ay he ord aSy hTe oWrd zay fhe aord zSay fThe aWord Szay Tfhe Waord way 5he 3ord wSay 5The 3Word Sway T5he W3ord
day hhe dord dSay hThe dWord Sday Thhe Wdord eay yhe eord eSay yThe eWord Seay Tyhe Weord xay 6he sord xSay 6The sWord Sxay T6he Wsord
aay ghe 2ord aSay gThe 2Word Saay Tghe W2ord rhe qord Sy rThe qWord Sya Trhe Wqord Szy Woord Te Wrd Sazy Teh Wrod
Sqy Tje Wkrd Sqay Tjhe Wkord Saqy Thje Wokrd Ssy Tue W9rd Ssay Tuhe W9ord Sasy Thue Wo9rd Swy Tne W0rd Tnhe W0ord Sawy Thne Wo0rd
Sxy Tbe Wlrd Tbhe Wlord Saxy Thbe Wolrd Sayy Tge Wird Sa Wiord Say Thge Woird

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