Duran Duran
Lava Lamp

In the half light of the evening
I can almost see you glow
Can tell by the way you're moving
Time may be right to let you know
You got many coloured halo,
The body of Venus, a babe rainbow
And if I come any closer I might fall into your silhouette
But the shape of things to come is constantly changing
So let it, so let it, so let it flow

La la la la lava lamp
La la la la lava lamp

Indigo, violet and blue
Can we meet where the edges blur?
Because I am coming at you
Like a bug eye heading for the burn
Truth is I can't stay away
No, I wanna let you light my volcano
And maybe it's just in my imagination
But you never know
Because the shape of things to come is constantly changing
So let it, so let it, so let it flow

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

So let it, so let it, so let it...
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

Mirror lyrics:

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
So let it, so let it, so let it...

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)
La la la la lava lamp (I'd love to turn you on)

So let it, so let it, so let it flow
Because the shape of things to come is constantly changing
But you never know
And maybe it's just in my imagination
No, I wanna let you light my volcano
Truth is I can't stay away
Like a bug eye heading for the burn
Because I am coming at you
Can we meet where the edges blur?
Indigo, violet and blue

La la la la lava lamp
La la la la lava lamp

So let it, so let it, so let it flow
But the shape of things to come is constantly changing
And if I come any closer I might fall into your silhouette
The body of Venus, a babe rainbow
You got many coloured halo,
Time may be right to let you know
Can tell by the way you're moving
I can almost see you glow
In the half light of the evening

Relevant Tags:
LLava LLamp ava amp aLva aLmp kava kamp kLava kLamp Lkava Lkamp oava oamp oLava oLamp Loava Loamp pava pamp pLava pLamp
Lpava Lpamp Laava Laamp Lva Lmp Lvaa Lmap Lzva Lzmp Lzava Lzamp Lazva Lazmp Lqva Lqmp Lqava Lqamp Laqva Laqmp Lsva Lsmp
Lsava Lsamp Lasva Lasmp Lwva Lwmp Lwava Lwamp Lawva Lawmp Lxva Lxmp Lxava Lxamp Laxva Laxmp Lavva Lammp Laa Lap

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