Duran Duran
Come Undone

Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin
I've been waiting for you
Signed, with a home tattoo,
Happy birthday to you was created for you

(can't ever keep from falling apart
At the seams
Cannot believe you're taking my heart
To pieces)

Oh, it'll take a little time,
might take a little crime
to come undone now

We'll try to stay blind
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry

Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone

(Verse 2)
Words, playing me deja vu
Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before
Chill, is it something real
Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers

(Can't ever keep from falling apart
At the seams
Cannot believe you're taking my heart
To pieces)

Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright
To come undone now

Mirror lyrics:

To come undone now
Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright

To pieces)
Cannot believe you're taking my heart
At the seams
(Can't ever keep from falling apart

Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers
Chill, is it something real
Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before
Words, playing me deja vu
(Verse 2)

When you come undone
Who do you need, who do you love

And blow me in to cry
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
to the hope and fear outside
We'll try to stay blind

to come undone now
might take a little crime
Oh, it'll take a little time,

To pieces)
Cannot believe you're taking my heart
At the seams
(can't ever keep from falling apart

Happy birthday to you was created for you
Signed, with a home tattoo,
I've been waiting for you
Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin

Relevant Tags:
CCome UUndone ome ndone oCme nUdone fome hndone fCome hUndone Cfome Uhndone xome 7ndone xCome 7Undone Cxome U7ndone vome kndone
vCome kUndone Cvome Ukndone dome indone dCome iUndone Cdome Uindone Coome 8ndone Cme 8Undone Cmoe U8ndone Ckme jndone Ckome jUndone
Cokme Ujndone C9me yndone C9ome yUndone Co9me Uyndone C0me Unndone C0ome Udone Co0me Udnone Clme Umdone Clome Umndone Colme Unmdone
Cime Uhdone Ciome Coime Unhdone Comme Ujdone Coe Coem Unjdone Coje Ubdone Cojme Ubndone Comje Unbdone Coke Unddone
Unone Comke Unodne Cone Unxone Conme Unxdone Comne Undxone Comee Uneone Com Unedone Come Undeone Coms Unfone Comse Unfdone
Comes Undfone Com3 Unrone Com3e Unrdone Come3 Undrone Comf Uncone Comfe Uncdone Comef Undcone Comr Unsone

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