Duncan Sheik
The End Of Outside

Should I say I'm sorry
For what I'm going to say
I guess it's way beyond me
To sleep with yesterday
I want to see my future
I want to know my past
The everlasting present
Is that so much to ask?

Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside

They say there's other vision
Deeper than the light
Maybe they 're just voices
Coming from my mind
A hundred million faces
Enlightened or afraid
What is going to save us
From all uncertain fate

Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside
I want to feel closer now to the stars in the sky

Tell me, sweetly, give me
The love of everyday
Human nature
I don't remember how to feel that way

Dropped inside the ocean
Covered by the sands of the time
Walk me through the seasons
Of every single life

Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside
I want to feel closer now to the stars in the sky...

Mirror lyrics:

I want to feel closer now to the stars in the sky...
Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside

Of every single life
Walk me through the seasons
Covered by the sands of the time
Dropped inside the ocean

I don't remember how to feel that way
Human nature
The love of everyday
Tell me, sweetly, give me

I want to feel closer now to the stars in the sky
Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside

From all uncertain fate
What is going to save us
Enlightened or afraid
A hundred million faces
Coming from my mind
Maybe they 're just voices
Deeper than the light
They say there's other vision

Does it make you wonder what's at the end of the outside

Is that so much to ask?
The everlasting present
I want to know my past
I want to see my future
To sleep with yesterday
I guess it's way beyond me
For what I'm going to say
Should I say I'm sorry

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd OOf OOutside he nd f utside hTe nEd fO uOtside fhe snd kf kutside fThe sEnd kOf kOutside Tfhe Esnd Okf Okutside
5he 3nd 9f 9utside 5The 3End 9Of 9Outside T5he E3nd O9f O9utside hhe fnd 0f 0utside hThe fEnd 0Of 0Outside Thhe Efnd O0f O0utside
yhe rnd lf lutside yThe rEnd lOf lOutside Tyhe Ernd Olf Olutside 6he 4nd if iutside 6The 4End iOf iOutside T6he E4nd Oif Oiutside
ghe dnd Off Ouutside gThe dEnd O Otside Tghe Ednd Of Otuside rhe wnd Oc Ohtside rThe wEnd Ocf Ohutside Trhe Ewnd Ofc Ouhtside
Ennd Or O7tside Te Ed Orf O7utside Teh Edn Ofr Ou7tside Tje Emd Og Oktside Tjhe Emnd Ogf Thje Enmd Ofg Ouktside
Tue Ehd Ot Oitside Tuhe Ehnd Otf Thue Enhd Oft Ouitside Tne Ejd Ov O8tside Tnhe Ejnd Ovf O8utside Thne Enjd Ofv Ou8tside
Tbe Ebd Od Ojtside Tbhe Ebnd Odf Ojutside Thbe Enbd Ofd Oujtside Tge Endd Oytside En Oyutside Thge End Ouytside
Tye Enx Outtside Enxd Ouside Thye Endx Oustide Thee Ene Oufside Th Ened Ouftside The Ende Outfside
Ths Enf Ou5side Thse Enfd Ou5tside Thes Endf Out5side Th3 Enr Ouhside Th3e Enrd The3 Endr Outhside
Thf Enc Ouyside Thfe Encd Thef Endc Outyside Thr Ens Ou6side Thre Ensd Ou6tside Ther Ends Out6side
Th4 Ougside Th4e Ougtside The4 Outgside Thd Ourside Thde Ourtside Thed Outrside
Thw Outsside Thwe Outide Thew Outisde Outzide Outzside Outszide
Outwide Outwside

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