The Ballad Of Young Alban And Amandy

the sun had gone down
o'er the hills in the west
its last beam had faded
o'er the mountain crest
amandy was there.. friendless and forlorn
with her face bathed in blood and her garments all torn

oh, amandy
oh, amandy

the campfires were kindled
each warrior was there and amandy was bound
her white bosom bare
it was vengeance that she counted in the eyes of her foe
and sighed for the time
when her suffering might close

oh, amandy... oh, amandy
oh, amandy yeah… yeah...
oh, amandy...

young alban their leader
suddenly appeared
with an eye like an eagle
and a step like a deer
he said, "brothers, if your victim be burned by a tree
young alban the leader
your victim shall be”

oh, amandy
oh, amandy

the next morning was a vision of red, white and blue
gliding o'er the waters
in a light, bark canoe
like a wild dove sails over the tide
young alban and amandy together did ride
young alban and amandy together did ride

oh, ride on
oh, amandy
oh, amandy
oh, amandy

Mirror lyrics:

oh, amandy
oh, amandy
oh, amandy
oh, ride on

young alban and amandy together did ride
young alban and amandy together did ride
like a wild dove sails over the tide
in a light, bark canoe
gliding o'er the waters
the next morning was a vision of red, white and blue

oh, amandy
oh, amandy

your victim shall be”
young alban the leader
he said, "brothers, if your victim be burned by a tree
and a step like a deer
with an eye like an eagle
suddenly appeared
young alban their leader

oh, amandy...
oh, amandy yeah… yeah...
oh, amandy... oh, amandy

when her suffering might close
and sighed for the time
it was vengeance that she counted in the eyes of her foe
her white bosom bare
each warrior was there and amandy was bound
the campfires were kindled

oh, amandy
oh, amandy

with her face bathed in blood and her garments all torn
amandy was there.. friendless and forlorn
o'er the mountain crest
its last beam had faded
o'er the hills in the west
the sun had gone down

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBallad OOf YYoung AAlban AAnd AAmandy he allad f oung lban nd mandy hTe aBllad fO oYung lAban nAd mAandy fhe vallad kf goung zlban znd zmandy
fThe vBallad kOf gYoung zAlban zAnd zAmandy Tfhe Bvallad Okf Ygoung Azlban Aznd Azmandy 5he gallad 9f houng qlban qnd qmandy 5The gBallad 9Of hYoung qAlban qAnd qAmandy
T5he Bgallad O9f Yhoung Aqlban Aqnd Aqmandy hhe nallad 0f 6oung slban snd smandy hThe nBallad 0Of 6Young sAlban sAnd sAmandy Thhe Bnallad O0f Y6oung Aslban Asnd Asmandy
yhe hallad lf uoung wlban wnd wmandy yThe hBallad lOf uYoung wAlban wAnd wAmandy Tyhe Bhallad Olf Yuoung Awlban Awnd Awmandy 6he Baallad if 7oung xlban xnd xmandy
6The Bllad iOf 7Young xAlban xAnd xAmandy T6he Blalad Oif Y7oung Axlban Axnd Axmandy ghe Bzllad Off joung Allban Annd Ammandy gThe Bzallad O jYoung Aban Ad Aandy
Tghe Bazllad Of Yjoung Ablan Adn Aamndy rhe Bqllad Oc toung Akban Amd Ajandy rThe Bqallad Ocf tYoung Aklban Amnd Ajmandy Trhe Baqllad Ofc Ytoung Alkban Anmd Amjandy
Bsllad Or Yooung Aoban Ahd Akandy Te Bsallad Orf Yung Aolban Ahnd Akmandy Teh Basllad Ofr Yuong Aloban Anhd Amkandy Tje Bwllad Og Ykung Apban Ajd Anandy
Tjhe Bwallad Ogf Ykoung Aplban Ajnd Anmandy Thje Bawllad Ofg Yokung Alpban Anjd Amnandy Tue Bxllad Ot Y9ung Albban Abd Amaandy Tuhe Bxallad Otf Y9oung Alan Abnd Amndy
Thue Baxllad Oft Yo9ung Alabn Anbd Amnady Tne Balllad Ov Y0ung Alvan Andd Amzndy Tnhe Balad Ovf Y0oung Alvban An Amzandy Thne Ballad Ofv Yo0ung Albvan And Amazndy
Tbe Baklad Od Ylung Algan Anx Amqndy Tbhe Bakllad Odf Yloung Algban Anxd Amqandy Thbe Balklad Ofd Yolung Albgan Andx Amaqndy Tge Baolad Yiung Alnan Ane Amsndy
Baollad Yioung Alnban Aned Amsandy Thge Balolad Yoiung Albnan Ande Amasndy Tye Baplad Youung Alhan Anf Amwndy Bapllad Yong Alhban Anfd Amwandy
Thye Balplad Yonug Albhan Andf Amawndy Thee Yohng Albaan Anr Amxndy Th Yohung Albn Anrd Amxandy The Balald Youhng Albna Andr Amaxndy
Ths Balkad Yo7ng Albzn Anc Amanndy Thse Yo7ung Albzan Ancd Amady Thes Ballkad You7ng Albazn Andc Amadny Th3 Baload Yokng Albqn Ans Amamdy
Th3e Albqan Ansd Amamndy The3 Balload Youkng Albaqn Ands Amanmdy

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