Earthtone 9
Evil Crawling I

Left faithless
In the age of cain - no love lost
Left lifeless
The lifeless have the key - belief-less
Belief is gone the dogs come
Seeking the truth to serve no use
No-one can wield the weapon
(take me a-way)
We must flow as
Waters flow as
Rivers flow and
Mountains can rise
The seers
The knowers still know - few of us
The others
Unable to process the soundbytes
Spirit is torn the dogs come
Laying in shreds shrouding the heads
Of heroes who've been martyred
(take me a-way)
We must flow as
Waters flow as
Rivers flow and
Mountains can rise
Left faithless
In the age of cain - no love lost
Left lifeless
The lifeless have the key - belief-less

Mirror lyrics:

The lifeless have the key - belief-less
Left lifeless
In the age of cain - no love lost
Left faithless
Mountains can rise
Rivers flow and
Waters flow as
We must flow as
(take me a-way)
Of heroes who've been martyred
Laying in shreds shrouding the heads
Spirit is torn the dogs come
Unable to process the soundbytes
The others
The knowers still know - few of us
The seers
Mountains can rise
Rivers flow and
Waters flow as
We must flow as
(take me a-way)
No-one can wield the weapon
Seeking the truth to serve no use
Belief is gone the dogs come
The lifeless have the key - belief-less
Left lifeless
In the age of cain - no love lost
Left faithless

Relevant Tags:
EEvil CCrawling II vil rawling vEil rCawling I svil frawling j sEvil fCrawling jI Esvil Cfrawling Ij 3vil xrawling 9
3Evil xCrawling 9I E3vil Cxrawling I9 fvil vrawling l fEvil vCrawling lI Efvil Cvrawling Il rvil drawling o rEvil dCrawling oI
Ervil Cdrawling Io 4vil Crrawling k 4Evil Cawling kI E4vil Carwling Ik dvil Cdawling 8 dEvil 8I Edvil Crdawling I8
wvil C4awling u wEvil C4rawling uI Ewvil Cr4awling Iu Evvil Cgawling Eil Cgrawling Eivl Crgawling Ebil Ctawling
Ebvil Ctrawling Evbil Crtawling Ecil C5awling Ecvil C5rawling Evcil Cr5awling Egil Cfawling Egvil
Evgil Crfawling Efil Ceawling Cerawling Evfil Creawling Eviil Craawling Evl Crwling Evli Crwaling
Evjl Crzwling Evjil Crzawling Evijl Crazwling Ev9l Crqwling Ev9il Crqawling Evi9l Craqwling Evll Crswling
Evlil Crsawling Evill Craswling Evol Crwwling Evoil Crwawling Eviol Crawwling Evkl Crxwling Evkil Crxawling
Evikl Craxwling Ev8l Ev8il Craling Evi8l Cralwing Evul Craaling Evuil Eviul Crawaling
Cra3ling Evi Cra3wling Evil Craw3ling Evik Cradling Cradwling Evilk Crawdling Evio Craeling

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