East 17
I'm Here For You

Just when you feel nothing is real anymore
Along comes a sign that changes your mind and you want
To do what is right for once in your life make it work
But the harder it gets you make such a mess and it hurts

When you feel weak and all alone and it seems you can't go on
Just when you think of turning back cause you've got so far to go
If ever you need a friend just someone to hold again
I'm here for you

Just when you hope you've got what it takes to survive
You feel like you need someone else's advice
You wait for the day you constantly pray that it comes
The day when you see your life turn around just for once

I know the times are hard for you
I'll be the friend you can turn to
I will be there when you're feeling scared
Don't be afraid, these arms will keep you safe toight

Mirror lyrics:

Don't be afraid, these arms will keep you safe toight
I will be there when you're feeling scared
I'll be the friend you can turn to
I know the times are hard for you

The day when you see your life turn around just for once
You wait for the day you constantly pray that it comes
You feel like you need someone else's advice
Just when you hope you've got what it takes to survive

I'm here for you
If ever you need a friend just someone to hold again
Just when you think of turning back cause you've got so far to go
When you feel weak and all alone and it seems you can't go on

But the harder it gets you make such a mess and it hurts
To do what is right for once in your life make it work
Along comes a sign that changes your mind and you want
Just when you feel nothing is real anymore

Relevant Tags:
II'm HHere FFor YYou 'm ere or ou 'Im eHre oFr oYu j'm jere cor gou jI'm jHere cFor gYou Ij'm Hjere Fcor Ygou 9'm uere ror hou
9I'm uHere rFor hYou I9'm Huere Fror Yhou l'm nere gor 6ou lI'm nHere gFor 6You Il'm Hnere Fgor Y6ou o'm bere tor uou oI'm bHere tFor uYou
Io'm Hbere Ftor Yuou k'm gere vor 7ou kI'm gHere vFor 7You Ik'm Hgere Fvor Y7ou 8'm yere dor jou 8I'm yHere dFor jYou I8'm Hyere Fdor Yjou
u'm Heere Foor tou uI'm Hre Fr tYou Iu'm Hree Fro Ytou I''m Hsre Fkr Yoou Im Hsere Fkor Yu Im' Hesre Fokr Yuo I'mm H3re F9r Yku
I' H3ere F9or Ykou I'm He3re Fo9r Yoku I'j Hfre F0r Y9u I'jm Hfere F0or Y9ou I'mj Hefre Fo0r Yo9u I'k Hrre Flr Y0u I'km Hrere Flor Y0ou
I'mk Herre Folr Yo0u I'n H4re Fir Ylu I'nm H4ere Fior Ylou I'mn He4re Foir Yolu Hdre Forr Yiu Hdere Fo Yiou Hedre For Yoiu

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