Duke Special
Everybody Wants A Little Something

I don't love you everybody knows
Everybody knows
and I can't say I enjoy the feeling,
I could leave, well everybody goes
everybody goes
and I won't say that is not appealing

But I don't wanna feel
what everybody feels
I've got more to lose
they're not significant
I don't care whose listening
They're not in my shoes

You Know That....

Everybody wants a little something, something
everybody wants a little something good

I don't get those pop and idol shows
everybody knows
that the good things take a little longer
12 years on the cracks begin to show
scared you wanna go
but I hope that we're a little stronger

But I don't wanna feel
what everybody feels
I've got more to lose
they're not significant
I don't care whose listening
they're not in my shoes

you know that...

Everybody wants a little something, something
Everybody wants a little something good

Mirror lyrics:

Everybody wants a little something good
Everybody wants a little something, something

you know that...

they're not in my shoes
I don't care whose listening
they're not significant
I've got more to lose
what everybody feels
But I don't wanna feel

but I hope that we're a little stronger
scared you wanna go
12 years on the cracks begin to show
that the good things take a little longer
everybody knows
I don't get those pop and idol shows

everybody wants a little something good
Everybody wants a little something, something

You Know That....

They're not in my shoes
I don't care whose listening
they're not significant
I've got more to lose
what everybody feels
But I don't wanna feel

and I won't say that is not appealing
everybody goes
I could leave, well everybody goes
and I can't say I enjoy the feeling,
Everybody knows
I don't love you everybody knows

Relevant Tags:
EEverybody WWants AA LLittle SSomething verybody ants ittle omething vEerybody aWnts A iLttle oSmething sverybody aants z kittle zomething sEverybody aWants zA kLittle zSomething
Esverybody Waants Az Lkittle Szomething 3verybody 3ants q oittle womething 3Everybody 3Wants qA oLittle wSomething E3verybody W3ants Aq Loittle Swomething fverybody dants s pittle domething
fEverybody dWants sA pLittle dSomething Efverybody Wdants As Lpittle Sdomething rverybody eants w Liittle eomething rEverybody eWants wA Lttle eSomething Erverybody Weants Aw Ltitle Seomething
4verybody sants x Ljttle xomething 4Everybody sWants xA Ljittle xSomething E4verybody Wsants Ax Lijttle Sxomething dverybody 2ants L9ttle aomething dEverybody 2Wants L9ittle aSomething
Edverybody W2ants Li9ttle Saomething wverybody qants Llttle Soomething wEverybody qWants Llittle Smething Ewverybody Wqants Lilttle Smoething Evverybody Lottle Skmething
Eerybody Wnts Skomething Eevrybody Wnats Liottle Sokmething Eberybody Wznts Lkttle S9mething Ebverybody Wzants S9omething Evberybody Waznts Likttle So9mething
Ecerybody Wqnts L8ttle S0mething Ecverybody L8ittle S0omething Evcerybody Waqnts Li8ttle So0mething Egerybody Wsnts Luttle Slmething Egverybody Luittle Slomething
Evgerybody Wasnts Liuttle Solmething Eferybody Wwnts Litttle Simething Wwants Litle Siomething Evferybody Wawnts Little Soimething Eveerybody Wxnts Liftle Sommething
Evrybody Wxants Lifttle Soething Evreybody Waxnts Litftle Soemthing Evsrybody Wannts Li5tle Sojething Evserybody Wats Li5ttle Sojmething Evesrybody Watns Lit5tle Somjething
Ev3rybody Wamts Lihtle Sokething Ev3erybody Wamnts Lihttle Eve3rybody Wanmts Lithtle Somkething Evfrybody Wahts Liytle Sonething Wahnts Liyttle Sonmething
Evefrybody Wanhts Litytle Somnething Evrrybody Wajts Li6tle Someething Evrerybody Wajnts Li6ttle Somthing Everrybody Wanjts Lit6tle Somtehing Ev4rybody Wabts Ligtle Somsthing
Ev4erybody Wabnts Ligttle Somsething Eve4rybody Wanbts Litgtle Somesthing Evdrybody Wantts Lirtle Som3thing Evderybody Wans Lirttle Som3ething Evedrybody Wanst Litrtle Some3thing
Evwrybody Wanfs Somfthing Evwerybody Wanfts Somfething Evewrybody Wantfs Litlte Somefthing Wan5s Litfle Somrthing Eveybody Wan5ts Somrething
Eveyrbody Want5s Littfle Somerthing Evedybody Wanhs Lit5le Som4thing Som4ething Everdybody Wanths Litt5le Some4thing Eve4ybody Wanys Lithle Somdthing
Wanyts Somdething Ever4ybody Wantys Litthle Somedthing Evegybody Wan6s Lityle Somwthing Evegrybody Wan6ts Somwething Evergybody Want6s Littyle Somewthing
Evetybody Wangs Lit6le Sometthing Evetrybody Wangts Somehing Evertybody Wantgs Litt6le Somehting Eve5ybody Wanrs Litgle Somefhing Eve5rybody Wanrts
Ever5ybody Wantrs Littgle Sometfhing Evefybody Wantss Litrle Some5hing Want Some5thing Everfybody Wants Littrle Somet5hing Eveeybody Wantz Littlle Somehhing
Wantzs Litte Somehthing Evereybody Wantsz Littel Somethhing Everyybody Wantw Littke Someyhing Everbody Wantws Littkle Someything

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