Duke Ellington
Don't Get Around Much Anymore

When I'm not playing solitaire, I take a book down from the shelf,
and what with program on the iar, I keep pretty much to myself.
Missed the Saturday dance, heard they crowded the floor, couldn't
bear it without you, don't get around much anymore. Thought I'd
visit the club, got as far as the door, they'd have asked me about
you, don't get around much anymore.

Darling I guess my mind's more at ease, but, never the less, why
stire up memories. Been invited on dates, might have gone but
what for, awfully different without you, don't get around much

Missed the Saturday dance, heard they crowded the floor, couldn't
bear it without you, don't get around much anymore. Thought I'd
visit the club, got as far as the door, they'd have asked me about
you, don't get around much anymore.

Darling I guess my mind's more at ease, but never the less, why
stir up memories. Been invited on dates, might have gone but what
for, awfully different without you, don't get around much anymore.

Mirror lyrics:

for, awfully different without you, don't get around much anymore.
stir up memories. Been invited on dates, might have gone but what
Darling I guess my mind's more at ease, but never the less, why

you, don't get around much anymore.
visit the club, got as far as the door, they'd have asked me about
bear it without you, don't get around much anymore. Thought I'd
Missed the Saturday dance, heard they crowded the floor, couldn't

what for, awfully different without you, don't get around much
stire up memories. Been invited on dates, might have gone but
Darling I guess my mind's more at ease, but, never the less, why

you, don't get around much anymore.
visit the club, got as far as the door, they'd have asked me about
bear it without you, don't get around much anymore. Thought I'd
Missed the Saturday dance, heard they crowded the floor, couldn't
and what with program on the iar, I keep pretty much to myself.
When I'm not playing solitaire, I take a book down from the shelf,

Relevant Tags:
DDon't GGet AAround MMuch AAnymore on't et round uch nymore oDn't eGt rAound uMch nAymore xon't het zround juch znymore xDon't hGet zAround jMuch zAnymore
Dxon't Ghet Azround Mjuch Aznymore eon't yet qround kuch qnymore eDon't yGet qAround kMuch qAnymore Deon't Gyet Aqround Mkuch Aqnymore fon't bet sround nuch snymore
fDon't bGet sAround nMuch sAnymore Dfon't Gbet Asround Mnuch Asnymore ron't vet wround Muuch wnymore rDon't vGet wAround Mch wAnymore Dron't Gvet Awround Mcuh Awnymore
con't fet xround Mhch xnymore cDon't fGet xAround Mhuch xAnymore Dcon't Gfet Axround Muhch Axnymore son't tet Arround M7ch Annymore sDon't tGet Aound M7uch Aymore
Dson't Gtet Aorund Mu7ch Aynmore Doon't Geet Adound Mkch Amymore Dn't Gt Adround Amnymore Dno't Gte Ardound Mukch Anmymore Dkn't Gst A4ound Mich Ahymore
Dkon't Gset A4round Miuch Ahnymore Dokn't Gest Ar4ound Muich Anhymore D9n't G3t Agound M8ch Ajymore D9on't G3et Aground M8uch Ajnymore Do9n't Ge3t Argound Mu8ch Anjymore
D0n't Gft Atound Mjch Abymore D0on't Atround Abnymore Do0n't Geft Artound Mujch Anbymore Dln't Grt A5ound Mych Anyymore Dlon't Gret A5round Myuch Anmore
Doln't Gert Ar5ound Muych Anmyore Din't G4t Afound Mucch Angmore Dion't G4et Afround Muh Angymore Doin't Ge4t Arfound Muhc Anygmore Donn't Gdt Aeound Mufh Anhmore
Do't Gdet Aeround Mufch Do'nt Gedt Areound Mucfh Anyhmore Dom't Gwt Aroound Muxh An6more Domn't Gwet Arund Muxch An6ymore Donm't Gewt Aruond Mucxh Any6more
Doh't Gett Arkund Muvh Anumore Dohn't Ge Arkound Muvch Anuymore Donh't Get Arokund Mucvh Anyumore Doj't Gef Ar9und Mudh An7more Dojn't Ar9ound Mudch An7ymore
Donj't Getf Aro9und Mucdh Any7more Dob't Ge5 Ar0und Muchh Anjmore Dobn't Ge5t Ar0ound Muc Donb't Get5 Aro0und Much Anyjmore Don''t Geh Arlund Mucj Antmore
Dont Geht Arlound Mucjh Antymore Dont' Geth Arolund Muchj Anytmore Don'tt Gey Ariund Mucu Anymmore Don' Geyt Ariound Mucuh Anyore Don't Gety Aroiund Muchu Anyomre
Don'f Ge6 Arouund Mucn Anyjore Don'ft Ge6t Arond Mucnh Don'tf Get6 Aronud Muchn Anymjore

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