Big Flame

You got the sun
You got the moon
And stars
You get to
Light up my life
A different spark
And the sky
Comes a live
Like a neon sign
It's the sun
And the moon
And the stars
It's shine

Big flame
You take control
Burning up
Like a fire
Shake my soul
Big flame
You take control
Burning up
Like a fire
Shake my soul

Fevered dreams
When you're
All alone
Summer love
In the park
I feel so stone
I got nothing to do
On this afternoon
Where I lie
Making love to you


Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Burning up
Like a fire
Shake my soul

Mirror lyrics:

Shake my soul
Like a fire
Burning up
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh
Big flame
Ooh, ooh


Making love to you
Where I lie
On this afternoon
I got nothing to do
I feel so stone
In the park
Summer love
All alone
When you're
Fevered dreams

Shake my soul
Like a fire
Burning up
You take control
Big flame
Shake my soul
Like a fire
Burning up
You take control
Big flame

It's shine
And the stars
And the moon
It's the sun
Like a neon sign
Comes a live
And the sky
A different spark
Light up my life
You get to
And stars
You got the moon
You got the sun

Relevant Tags:
BBig FFlame ig lame iBg lFame vig clame vBig cFlame Bvig Fclame gig rlame gBig rFlame Bgig Frlame nig glame nBig gFlame
Bnig Fglame hig tlame hBig tFlame Bhig Ftlame Biig vlame Bg vFlame Bgi Fvlame Bjg dlame Bjig dFlame Bijg Fdlame B9g Fllame
B9ig Fame Bi9g Falme Blg Fkame Blig Fklame Bilg Flkame Bog Foame Boig Folame Biog Floame Bkg Fpame Bkig Fplame Bikg Flpame
B8g Flaame B8ig Flme Bi8g Flmae Bug Flzme Buig Flzame Biug Flazme Bigg Flqme Bi Flqame Big Flaqme Bih Flsme Bihg Flsame

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