D Side
Dare To Dream

Small town boy with small town ways
loоking at the sky, say i wanna these days
chance will come and call my name
from that moment on, life will never be the same
Im gonna break through
thats what i dream now would do
just cause to show you

Anything can happen if you dare to dream
Miracles can happen when you dare to dream
Nothing is impossible if you believe
theres no a goal you can to achieve
when you dare to dream

Doubts make call from day to day
but just hold on no matter what they say
I want look back when times go by
Im say to myself that i didnt try


Always been in dream with my head in the clouds
But now then more that Im aloud
If you wanna reach the stars is hard to them to high
I always hoped that I could fly

Mirror lyrics:

I always hoped that I could fly
If you wanna reach the stars is hard to them to high
But now then more that Im aloud
Always been in dream with my head in the clouds


Im say to myself that i didnt try
I want look back when times go by
but just hold on no matter what they say
Doubts make call from day to day

when you dare to dream
theres no a goal you can to achieve
Nothing is impossible if you believe
Miracles can happen when you dare to dream
Anything can happen if you dare to dream

just cause to show you
thats what i dream now would do
Im gonna break through
from that moment on, life will never be the same
chance will come and call my name
loоking at the sky, say i wanna these days
Small town boy with small town ways

Relevant Tags:
DDare TTo DDream are o ream aDre oT rDeam xare fo xream xDare fTo xDream Dxare Tfo Dxream eare 5o eream eDare 5To eDream Deare T5o Deream
fare ho fream fDare hTo fDream Dfare Tho Dfream rare yo rream rDare yTo rDream Drare Tyo Drream care 6o cream cDare 6To cDream Dcare T6o Dcream
sare go sream sDare gTo sDream Dsare Tgo Dsream Daare ro Dre rTo Deam Drae Tro Deram Dzre Too Ddeam Dzare T Ddream Dazre To Drdeam
Dqre Tk D4eam Dqare Tko D4ream Daqre Tok Dr4eam Dsre T9 Dgeam T9o Dgream Dasre To9 Drgeam Dwre T0 Dteam Dware T0o Dtream Dawre To0 Drteam
Dxre Tl D5eam Tlo D5ream Daxre Tol Dr5eam Darre Ti Dfeam Dae Tio Daer Toi Drfeam Dade Deeam Dadre Darde Dreeam

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