Dry Cell
Last Time

They say it's true
Something's not right
They laugh at you
Hurting all the time and you just don't know why
Destined to lose
It's not right
What can you do?
All you do is fight and you're losing your insight

It's alright
It's okay
You're never far away
It's so real
It's so right
This is the last time
Hurting all the time
And you just don't know why

Who made this true?
No, its not right
You make it through
Hurting all the time
And you just don't know why
They don't know you
Not inside
They have issues
Fighting all the time
Has made them lose their insight

This is the last time

So fall asleep
Be peaceful as you lay
Forget about the world
You're going to be okay

Fighting all the time
And you just don't know why
This could be the last time

They say it's true
Something's not right
They laugh at you
Hurting all the time and you just don't know why

Mirror lyrics:

Hurting all the time and you just don't know why
They laugh at you
Something's not right
They say it's true

This could be the last time
And you just don't know why
Fighting all the time

You're going to be okay
Forget about the world
Be peaceful as you lay
So fall asleep

This is the last time

Has made them lose their insight
Fighting all the time
They have issues
Not inside
They don't know you
And you just don't know why
Hurting all the time
You make it through
No, its not right
Who made this true?

And you just don't know why
Hurting all the time
This is the last time
It's so right
It's so real
You're never far away
It's okay
It's alright

All you do is fight and you're losing your insight
What can you do?
It's not right
Destined to lose
Hurting all the time and you just don't know why
They laugh at you
Something's not right
They say it's true

Relevant Tags:
LLast TTime ast ime aLst iTme kast fime kLast fTime Lkast Tfime oast 5ime oLast 5Time Loast T5ime past hime pLast hTime
Lpast Thime Laast yime Lst yTime Lsat Tyime Lzst 6ime Lzast 6Time Lazst T6ime Lqst gime Lqast gTime Laqst Tgime Lsst rime
Lsast rTime Lasst Trime Lwst Tiime Lwast Tme Lawst Tmie Lxst Tjme Lxast Tjime Laxst Tijme T9me Lat T9ime Lats Ti9me
Lazt Tlme Tlime Laszt Tilme Lawt Tome Toime Laswt Tiome Ladt Tkme Ladst Tkime

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