David Bowie
Drive In Saturday

Let me put my arms around your head
Gee, it's hot, let's go to bed
Don't forget to turn on the light
Don't laugh babe, it'll be alright
Pour me out another phone
I'll ring and see if your friends are home
Perhaps the strange ones in the dome
Can lend us a book we can read up alone

And try to get it on like once before
When people stared in Jagger's eyes and scored
Like the video films we saw

His name was always Buddy
And he's shrug and ask to stay
And she'd sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And turn her face away
She's uncertain if she likes him
But she knows she really loves him
It's a crash course for the ravers
It's a Drive-In Saturday

Jung the foreman prayed at work
That neither hands nor limbs would burst
It's hard enough to keep formation
with this fall out saturation
Cursing at the Astronette
That stands in the steel by his cabinet
He's crashing out with Sylvian
The Bureau Supply for aging men
With snorting head he gazes to the shore
Which once had raised a sea that raged no more
Like the video films we saw

His name was always Buddy
And he's shrug and ask to stay
And she's sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And turn her face away
She's uncertain if she likes him
But she knows she really loves him
It's a crash course for the ravers
It's a Drive-In Saturday

Mirror lyrics:

It's a Drive-In Saturday
It's a crash course for the ravers
But she knows she really loves him
She's uncertain if she likes him
And turn her face away
And she's sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And he's shrug and ask to stay
His name was always Buddy

Like the video films we saw
Which once had raised a sea that raged no more
With snorting head he gazes to the shore
The Bureau Supply for aging men
He's crashing out with Sylvian
That stands in the steel by his cabinet
Cursing at the Astronette
with this fall out saturation
It's hard enough to keep formation
That neither hands nor limbs would burst
Jung the foreman prayed at work

It's a Drive-In Saturday
It's a crash course for the ravers
But she knows she really loves him
She's uncertain if she likes him
And turn her face away
And she'd sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And he's shrug and ask to stay
His name was always Buddy

Like the video films we saw
When people stared in Jagger's eyes and scored
And try to get it on like once before

Can lend us a book we can read up alone
Perhaps the strange ones in the dome
I'll ring and see if your friends are home
Pour me out another phone
Don't laugh babe, it'll be alright
Don't forget to turn on the light
Gee, it's hot, let's go to bed
Let me put my arms around your head

Relevant Tags:
DDrive IIn SSaturday rive n aturday rDive nI aSturday xrive jn zaturday xDrive jIn zSaturday Dxrive Ijn Szaturday
erive 9n waturday eDrive 9In wSaturday Derive I9n Swaturday frive ln daturday fDrive lIn dSaturday Dfrive Iln Sdaturday
rrive on eaturday rDrive oIn eSaturday Drrive Ion Seaturday crive kn xaturday cDrive kIn xSaturday Dcrive Ikn Sxaturday
srive 8n aaturday sDrive 8In aSaturday Dsrive I8n Saaturday un Dive uIn Sturday Dirve Iun Staurday
Ddive Inn Szturday Ddrive I Drdive In Sazturday D4ive Im Sqturday D4rive Imn Sqaturday Dr4ive Inm Saqturday
Dgive Ih Ssturday Dgrive Ihn Ssaturday Drgive Inh Sasturday Dtive Ij Swturday Dtrive Drtive Inj Sawturday
D5ive Ib Sxturday D5rive Ibn Dr5ive Inb Saxturday Dfive Satturday Saurday Drfive Sautrday
Deive Safurday Safturday Dreive Satfurday Driive Sa5urday Drve Sa5turday Drvie Sat5urday
Drjve Sahurday Drjive Sahturday Drijve Sathurday Dr9ve Sayurday Dr9ive Sayturday Dri9ve Satyurday
Drlve Sa6urday Drlive Sa6turday Drilve Sat6urday Drove Sagurday Droive Sagturday Driove Satgurday
Drkve Sarurday Drkive Sarturday Drikve Satrurday Dr8ve Satuurday Dr8ive Satrday Dri8ve Satruday
Druve Sathrday Druive Driuve Satuhrday Drivve Sat7rday Drie Sat7urday Driev Satu7rday
Dribe Satkrday Dribve Satkurday Drivbe Satukrday Drice Satirday Dricve Satiurday Drivce Satuirday
Drige Sat8rday Drigve Sat8urday Drivge Satu8rday

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