Eddy Arnold
One Grain Of Sand

(Buck Maxwell - Ruth Maxwell - Rosella Larue)

One, one, one grain of sand
One, one, one grain of sand.

Just one little grain of sand
Can change your life and ruin your plans
Undermine your house of love
Bring it tumbling down
One, one, one grain of sand.

Once upon a mountain top a castle stood
Carved out of rock and stone, iron and wood
Then one day a grain of sand grew into an iron latch
Undermine the mountain side and the castle tumble down
One, one, one grain of sand.

A lover spoke an angry word that left the tears
The tears led to a quarrel, love disappeared
That word was like a grain of sand
That undermined the things they've planned
It shook up the house of love
And brought it tumbling down
One, one, one grain of sand.

Just one little grain of sand
Can change your life and ruin your plans
Undermine your house of love
Bring it tumbling down
One, one, one grain of sand.

One, one, one grain of sand
One, one, one grain of sand...

Mirror lyrics:

One, one, one grain of sand...
One, one, one grain of sand

One, one, one grain of sand.
Bring it tumbling down
Undermine your house of love
Can change your life and ruin your plans
Just one little grain of sand

One, one, one grain of sand.
And brought it tumbling down
It shook up the house of love
That undermined the things they've planned
That word was like a grain of sand
The tears led to a quarrel, love disappeared
A lover spoke an angry word that left the tears

One, one, one grain of sand.
Undermine the mountain side and the castle tumble down
Then one day a grain of sand grew into an iron latch
Carved out of rock and stone, iron and wood
Once upon a mountain top a castle stood

One, one, one grain of sand.
Bring it tumbling down
Undermine your house of love
Can change your life and ruin your plans
Just one little grain of sand

One, one, one grain of sand.
One, one, one grain of sand

(Buck Maxwell - Ruth Maxwell - Rosella Larue)

Relevant Tags:
OOne GGrain OOf SSand ne rain f and nOe rGain fO aSnd kne hrain kf zand kOne hGrain kOf zSand Okne Ghrain Okf Szand
9ne yrain 9f wand 9One yGrain 9Of wSand O9ne Gyrain O9f Swand 0ne brain 0f dand 0One bGrain 0Of dSand O0ne Gbrain O0f Sdand
lne vrain lf eand lOne vGrain lOf eSand Olne Gvrain Olf Seand ine frain if xand iOne fGrain iOf xSand Oine Gfrain Oif Sxand
Onne train Off aand Oe tGrain O aSand Oen Gtrain Of Saand Ome Grrain Oc Omne Gain Ocf Snd Onme Garin Ofc Snad
Ohe Gdain Or Sznd Ohne Gdrain Orf Onhe Grdain Ofr Saznd Oje G4ain Og Sqnd Ojne G4rain Ogf Sqand Onje Gr4ain Ofg Saqnd
Obe Ggain Ot Ssnd Obne Ggrain Otf Ssand Onbe Grgain Oft Sasnd Onee Gtain Ov Swnd On Ovf One Grtain Ofv Sawnd
Ons G5ain Od Sxnd Onse G5rain Odf Ones Gr5ain Ofd Saxnd On3 Gfain Sannd On3e Sad One3 Grfain Sadn
Onf Geain Samd Onfe Gerain Samnd Onef Greain Sanmd Onr Graain Sahd Onre Grin Sahnd Oner Grian Sanhd
On4 Grzin Sajd On4e Grzain Sajnd

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