Eddy Arnold
My Heart's Not Made That Way

(Merle Kilgore)

Pretty words that you told me
Belong to yesterday
And the things you said to hold me
Have no power to make me stay.

Maybe somebody else will date you
But only good thing my heart can say
No, I'll never put you down babe
'Cause my heart's not made that way.

(Cause my heart's not made that way)

Well, love is like a whirl wind
Time goes by so fast
Good times are not forever
And we reached the end at last.

I know you cried like a little child
Even that could make me stay
But I'll never put you down babe
'Cause my heart's not made that way.

(Cause my heart's not made that way)

Mem'ries may be big as mountains
But you'll make your way across
Once you shared so much
Always ever really lost.

No your hurt it won't be better
For tomorrow's another day
And I'll never put you down babe
'Cause my heart's not made that way.

(And I'll never never put you down babe)
('Cause my heart's not made that way)

(And I'll never never put you down babe)
('Cause my heart's not made that way)...

Mirror lyrics:

('Cause my heart's not made that way)...
(And I'll never never put you down babe)

('Cause my heart's not made that way)
(And I'll never never put you down babe)

'Cause my heart's not made that way.
And I'll never put you down babe
For tomorrow's another day
No your hurt it won't be better

Always ever really lost.
Once you shared so much
But you'll make your way across
Mem'ries may be big as mountains

(Cause my heart's not made that way)

'Cause my heart's not made that way.
But I'll never put you down babe
Even that could make me stay
I know you cried like a little child

And we reached the end at last.
Good times are not forever
Time goes by so fast
Well, love is like a whirl wind

(Cause my heart's not made that way)

'Cause my heart's not made that way.
No, I'll never put you down babe
But only good thing my heart can say
Maybe somebody else will date you

Have no power to make me stay.
And the things you said to hold me
Belong to yesterday
Pretty words that you told me

(Merle Kilgore)

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHeart's NNot MMade TThat WWay y eart's ot ade hat ay yM eHart's oNt aMde hTat aWy jy jeart's mot jade fhat aay jMy jHeart's mNot jMade fThat aWay
Mjy Hjeart's Nmot Mjade Tfhat Waay ky ueart's hot kade 5hat 3ay kMy uHeart's hNot kMade 5That 3Way Mky Hueart's Nhot Mkade T5hat W3ay ny neart's jot nade hhat day
nMy nHeart's jNot nMade hThat dWay Mny Hneart's Njot Mnade Thhat Wday Myy beart's bot Maade yhat eay M bHeart's bNot Mde yThat eWay My Hbeart's Nbot Mdae Tyhat Weay
Mg geart's Noot Mzde 6hat say Mgy gHeart's Nt Mzade 6That sWay Myg Hgeart's Nto Mazde T6hat Wsay Mh yeart's Nkt Mqde ghat 2ay Mhy yHeart's Nkot Mqade gThat 2Way
Myh Hyeart's Nokt Maqde Tghat W2ay M6 Heeart's N9t Msde rhat qay M6y Hart's N9ot Msade rThat qWay My6 Haert's No9t Masde Trhat Wqay Mu Hsart's N0t Mwde
Muy Hseart's N0ot Mwade Tat Wy Myu Hesart's No0t Mawde Taht Wya M7 H3art's Nlt Mxde Tjat Wzy M7y H3eart's Nlot Mxade Tjhat Wzay My7 He3art's Nolt Maxde Thjat Wazy
Mj Hfart's Nit Madde Tuat Wqy Hfeart's Niot Mae Tuhat Myj Hefart's Noit Maed Thuat Waqy Mt Hrart's Nott Maxe Tnat Wsy Mty Hreart's No Tnhat
Myt Herart's Not Madxe Thnat Wasy H4art's Nof Maee Tbat Wwy H4eart's Noft Maede Tbhat Wway He4art's Notf Madee Thbat Wawy Hdart's No5 Mafe Tgat Wxy
Hdeart's No5t Mafde Wxay Hedart's Not5 Madfe Thgat Waxy Hwart's Noh Mare Tyat Wayy Hweart's Noht Marde Wa Hewart's Noth Madre Thyat Way
Heaart's Noy Mace Thaat Wag Hert's Noyt Macde Tht Wagy Herat's Noty Madce Thta Wayg Hezrt's No6 Mase Thzt Wah Hezart's No6t Thzat Wahy
Heazrt's Not6 Madse Thazt Wayh Heqrt's Nog Thqt Wa6 Heqart's Nogt Mad Thqat Wa6y Heaqrt's Notg Made Thaqt Way6 Hesrt's Nor Mads Thst Wau
Nort Thsat Wauy Heasrt's Notr Mades Thast Wayu Hewrt's Mad3 Thwt Wa7 Mad3e Thwat Wa7y Heawrt's Made3 Thawt Way7
Hexrt's Madf Thxt Waj Hexart's Thxat Wajy Heaxrt's Madef Thaxt Wayj Hearrt's Madr Thatt Wat

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