Eddy Arnold
It Is No Secret (what God Can Do)

(Stuart Hamblen)

(It is no secret what God can do)

The chimes of time ring out the news
Another day is through
Someone slipped and fell
Was that someone you?

You may have long for added strenght
Your courage to renew
Do not be disheartened
For I bring hope to you.

It is no secret what God can do
what He's done for others He'll do for you
(With arms wide open He'll pardon you)
It is no secret what God can do.

(There is no night for end his light
You'll never walk alone
Always feel at home
Wherever you may roam.)

(There is no power can conquer you
While God is on your side
Just take him at his promise
Don't run away and hide.)

It is no secret what God can do
What He's done for others He'll do for you
(With arms wide open He'll pardon you)
It is no secret what God can do.

(What God can do...)

Mirror lyrics:

(What God can do...)

It is no secret what God can do.
(With arms wide open He'll pardon you)
What He's done for others He'll do for you
It is no secret what God can do

Don't run away and hide.)
Just take him at his promise
While God is on your side
(There is no power can conquer you

Wherever you may roam.)
Always feel at home
You'll never walk alone
(There is no night for end his light

It is no secret what God can do.
(With arms wide open He'll pardon you)
what He's done for others He'll do for you
It is no secret what God can do

For I bring hope to you.
Do not be disheartened
Your courage to renew
You may have long for added strenght

Was that someone you?
Someone slipped and fell
Another day is through
The chimes of time ring out the news

(It is no secret what God can do)

(Stuart Hamblen)

Relevant Tags:
IIt IIs NNo SSecret ((what GGod CCan DDo) t s o ecret what od an o) tI sI oN eScret w(hat oGd aCn oD) jt js mo zecret (wwhat hod fan xo) jIt jIs mNo zSecret (hat hGod fCan xDo)
Ijt Ijs Nmo Szecret (hwat Ghod Cfan Dxo) 9t 9s ho wecret (ahat yod xan eo) 9It 9Is hNo wSecret (awhat yGod xCan eDo) I9t I9s Nho Swecret (wahat Gyod Cxan Deo) lt ls jo decret (3hat bod van fo)
lIt lIs jNo dSecret (3what bGod vCan fDo) Ilt Ils Njo Sdecret (w3hat Gbod Cvan Dfo) ot os bo eecret (dhat vod dan ro) oIt oIs bNo eSecret (dwhat vGod dCan rDo) Iot Ios Nbo Seecret (wdhat Gvod Cdan Dro)
kt ks Noo xecret (ehat fod Caan co) kIt kIs N xSecret (ewhat fGod Cn cDo) Ikt Iks No Sxecret (wehat Gfod Cna Dco) 8t 8s Nk aecret (shat tod Czn so) 8It 8Is Nko aSecret (swhat tGod Czan sDo)
I8t I8s Nok Saecret (wshat Gtod Cazn Dso) ut us N9 (2hat Good Cqn Doo) uIt uIs N9o Scret (2what Gd Cqan D) Iut Ius No9 Sceret (w2hat Gdo Caqn D)o Itt Iss N0 Sscret (qhat Gkd Csn Dk)
I I N0o Ssecret (qwhat Gkod Csan Dko) It Is No0 Sescret (wqhat Gokd Casn Dok) If Iz Nl S3cret (whhat G9d Cwn D9) Ift Izs Nlo S3ecret (wat G9od Cwan D9o) Itf Isz Nol Se3cret (waht Go9d Cawn Do9)
I5 Iw Ni Sfcret (wjat G0d Cxn D0) I5t Iws Nio Sfecret (wjhat G0od D0o) It5 Isw Noi Sefcret (whjat Go0d Caxn Do0) Ih Id Srcret (wuat Gld Cann Dl) Iht Ids Srecret (wuhat Glod Ca Dlo)
Ith Isd Sercret (whuat Gold Can Dol) Iy Ie S4cret (wnat Gid Cam Di) Iyt Ies S4ecret (wnhat Giod Camn Dio) Ity Ise Se4cret (whnat Goid Canm Doi) I6 Ix Sdcret (wbat Godd Cah Do))
I6t Ixs (wbhat Go Cahn Do It6 Isx Sedcret (whbat God Canh Do) Ig Ia Swcret (wgat Gox Caj Igt Ias (wghat Goxd Cajn Itg Isa Sewcret (whgat Godx Canj
Ir Seccret (wyat Goe Cab Irt Seret (wyhat Goed Cabn Itr Sercet (whyat Gode Canb Sefret (whaat Gof (wht Gofd
Secfret (whta Godf Sexret (whzt Gor Sexcret (whzat Gord Secxret (whazt Godr Sevret (whqt Goc
Sevcret (whqat Gocd Secvret (whaqt Godc Sedret (whst Gos (whsat Gosd

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