David Archuleta
Something 'bout Love

Every night it's all the same
You're frozen by the phone
You wait, something's changed
You blame yourself every day
You'd do it again
Every night

There's something 'bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free

There's something 'bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It'll bring you to your knees
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don't give up
There's something 'bout love

When you were young
Scared of the night
Waiting for love to come along
And make it right
Your day will come, the past is gone
So take your time
And live and let live

There's something 'bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free

There's something 'bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It'll bring you to your knees
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don't give up
There's something 'bout love

Don't fight
Don't hide
Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)
Let em' shine tonight
Let em' shine tonight

Hang on
Hang in
For the ride of your life
It's gonna be alright
Hold on tight

There's something 'bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh

There's something 'bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free

There's something 'bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It'll bring you to your knees (to your knees)
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
But don't give up
There's something 'bout love

Whoa oh oh oh..
Set's you free
There's something bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain

Mirror lyrics:

When the world falls down like the rain
You still believe
Whoa oh oh oh
That tears you up
There's something bout love
Set's you free
Whoa oh oh oh..

There's something 'bout love
But don't give up
Whoa oh oh oh
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
It'll bring you to your knees (to your knees)
When the world falls down like the rain
You still believe
Whoa oh oh oh
That tears you up
There's something 'bout love

It sets you free
Whoa oh oh oh
That breaks your heart
There's something 'bout love

Whoa oh oh oh
That breaks your heart
There's something 'bout love

Hold on tight
It's gonna be alright
For the ride of your life
Hang in
Hang on

Let em' shine tonight
Let em' shine tonight
Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)
Don't hide
Don't fight

There's something 'bout love
But don't give up
Whoa oh oh oh…
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
It'll bring you to your knees
When the world falls down like the rain
You still believe
Whoa oh oh oh
That tears you up
There's something 'bout love

It sets you free
Whoa oh oh oh
That breaks your heart
There's something 'bout love

And live and let live
So take your time
Your day will come, the past is gone
And make it right
Waiting for love to come along
Scared of the night
When you were young

There's something 'bout love
But don't give up
Whoa oh oh oh…
There's something 'bout love that breaks your heart
It'll bring you to your knees
When the world falls down like the rain
You still believe
Whoa oh oh oh
That tears you up
There's something 'bout love

It sets you free
Whoa oh oh oh
That breaks your heart
There's something 'bout love

Every night
You'd do it again
You blame yourself every day
You wait, something's changed
You're frozen by the phone
Every night it's all the same

Relevant Tags:
SSomething ''bout LLove omething bout ove oSmething b'out oLve zomething 'bbout kove zSomething 'out kLove Szomething 'obut Lkove
womething 'vout oove wSomething 'vbout oLove Swomething 'bvout Loove domething 'gout pove dSomething 'gbout pLove Sdomething 'bgout Lpove
eomething 'nout eSomething 'nbout Lve Seomething 'bnout Lvoe xomething 'hout Lkve xSomething 'hbout Sxomething 'bhout Lokve
aomething 'boout L9ve aSomething 'but L9ove Saomething 'buot Lo9ve Soomething 'bkut L0ve Smething 'bkout L0ove Smoething 'bokut Lo0ve
Skmething 'b9ut Llve Skomething 'b9out Llove Sokmething 'bo9ut Lolve S9mething 'b0ut Live S9omething 'b0out Liove So9mething 'bo0ut Loive
S0mething 'blut Lovve S0omething 'blout Loe So0mething 'bolut Loev Slmething 'biut Lobe Slomething 'biout Lobve Solmething 'boiut Lovbe
Simething 'bouut Loce Siomething 'bot Locve Soimething 'botu Lovce Sommething 'boht Loge Soething 'bohut Logve Soemthing 'bouht Lovge
Sojething 'bo7t Lofe Sojmething 'bo7ut Lofve Somjething 'bou7t Lovfe Sokething 'bokt Lovee Lov Somkething 'boukt Love
Sonething 'boit Lovs Sonmething Lovse Somnething 'bouit Loves Someething 'bo8t Lov3 Somthing 'bo8ut Lov3e Somtehing 'bou8t Love3
Somsthing 'bojt Lovf Somsething 'bojut Somesthing 'boujt Lovef Som3thing 'boyt Lovr Som3ething 'boyut Lovre Some3thing 'bouyt Lover
Somfthing 'boutt Lov4 Somfething 'bou Lov4e Somefthing 'bout Love4 Somrthing 'bouf Lovd Somrething 'bouft Lovde Somerthing 'boutf Loved
Som4thing 'bou5 Lovw Som4ething 'bou5t Lovwe Some4thing 'bout5 Lovew Somdthing 'bouh Somdething Somedthing 'bouth
Somwthing 'bouy Somwething Somewthing 'bouty Sometthing 'bou6 Somehing 'bou6t Somehting 'bout6
Somefhing 'boug 'bougt Sometfhing 'boutg Some5hing 'bour Some5thing 'bourt Somet5hing 'boutr

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