David Arn
Fantasy #127 In F# Major

I wanted to transport my life to you in Amherst
Even if my car was too small, my feelings could not be reversed
When you hunger for touch you can be misled
I could be wrong here's what I think you said
If you come with me, your soul is revealed
You take a chance in the mine field
And must learn to fly over bare wires that lay concealed

We only had a weekend, impossible to extend.
Then Sue warned me of men you dismissed
Who were doomed to hike mountains to view what they missed
Still I swore I could restore your perfection again
By crossing my fingers and dropping names of my friends.

The churchyard was ancient, we were drinking wine, trees were turning red
Baby,oh baby, it's cold, let's get warm instead.
There was only one thing to fear in that place
Our eyes might do less talking in coming days
The cold was too real, I didn't know what to feel
So my heart kept its eyes peeled
For safer places to lay down its sword and shield

We only had a weekend, sundown was brilliant at the end
You proudly proclaimed a toast to heartbreak and fame,
The words were sublime but brave just the same
Then you said you felt fine, like when you were eleven or ten
And someone should take pictures before the light changed again

Mirror lyrics:

And someone should take pictures before the light changed again
Then you said you felt fine, like when you were eleven or ten
The words were sublime but brave just the same
You proudly proclaimed a toast to heartbreak and fame,
We only had a weekend, sundown was brilliant at the end

For safer places to lay down its sword and shield
So my heart kept its eyes peeled
The cold was too real, I didn't know what to feel
Our eyes might do less talking in coming days
There was only one thing to fear in that place
Baby,oh baby, it's cold, let's get warm instead.
The churchyard was ancient, we were drinking wine, trees were turning red

By crossing my fingers and dropping names of my friends.
Still I swore I could restore your perfection again
Who were doomed to hike mountains to view what they missed
Then Sue warned me of men you dismissed
We only had a weekend, impossible to extend.

And must learn to fly over bare wires that lay concealed
You take a chance in the mine field
If you come with me, your soul is revealed
I could be wrong here's what I think you said
When you hunger for touch you can be misled
Even if my car was too small, my feelings could not be reversed
I wanted to transport my life to you in Amherst

Relevant Tags:
FFantasy ##127 IIn FF# MMajor antasy 127 n # ajor aFntasy 1#27 nI #F aMjor cantasy #1127 jn c# jajor cFantasy #27 jIn cF# jMajor Fcantasy #217 Ijn Fc# Mjajor
rantasy #227 9n r# kajor rFantasy #2127 9In rF# kMajor Frantasy #1227 I9n Fr# Mkajor gantasy #q27 ln g# najor gFantasy #q127 lIn gF# nMajor Fgantasy #1q27 Iln Fg# Mnajor
tantasy on t# Maajor tFantasy #17 oIn tF# Mjor Ftantasy #172 Ion Ft# Mjaor vantasy #137 kn v# Mzjor vFantasy #1327 kIn vF# Mzajor Fvantasy #1237 Ikn Fv# Mazjor
dantasy #1q7 8n d# Mqjor dFantasy 8In dF# Mqajor Fdantasy #12q7 I8n Fd# Maqjor Faantasy #1w7 un F## Msjor Fntasy #1w27 uIn F Msajor Fnatasy #12w7 Iun F# Masjor
Fzntasy #117 Inn Mwjor Fzantasy I Mwajor Fazntasy #1217 In Mawjor Fqntasy #1277 Im Mxjor Fqantasy #12 Imn Mxajor Faqntasy #127 Inm Maxjor
Fsntasy #128 Ih Majjor Fsantasy #1287 Ihn Maor Fasntasy #1278 Inh Maojr Fwntasy #12y Ij Makor Fwantasy #12y7 Makjor Fawntasy #127y Inj Majkor
Fxntasy #12u Ib Maior Fxantasy #12u7 Ibn Maijor Faxntasy #127u Inb Majior Fanntasy #126 Mamor Fatasy #1267 Mamjor Fatnasy #1276 Majmor
Famtasy Manor Famntasy Manjor Fanmtasy Majnor Fahtasy Mahor Fahntasy Mahjor Fanhtasy Majhor
Fajtasy Mauor Fajntasy Maujor Fanjtasy Majuor Fabtasy Majoor Fabntasy Majr Fanbtasy Majro
Fanttasy Majkr Fanasy Fanatsy Majokr Fanfasy Maj9r Fanftasy Maj9or Fantfasy Majo9r
Fan5asy Maj0r Fan5tasy Maj0or Fant5asy Majo0r Fanhasy Majlr Majlor Fanthasy Majolr
Fanyasy Majir Fanytasy

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