Straight Till The End


I wanna show you
Come follow me
Into the night
Into my dreams
I wanna show you
Please stay with me
I've got to hold you
So follow me
Straight till the end

Straight till the end

I wanna show you
Come follow me
Into the night
Into my dreams
Feelings you don't understand
Follow me straight till the end
Follow me straight till the end

I wanna show you
Please stay with me
I've got to hold you
So follow me
Straight till the end

Straight till the end

Straight till the end

Mirror lyrics:

Straight till the end

Straight till the end

Straight till the end
So follow me
I've got to hold you
Please stay with me
I wanna show you

Follow me straight till the end
Follow me straight till the end
Feelings you don't understand
Into my dreams
Into the night
Come follow me
I wanna show you

Straight till the end

Straight till the end
So follow me
I've got to hold you
Please stay with me
I wanna show you
Into my dreams
Into the night
Come follow me
I wanna show you


Relevant Tags:
SStraight TTill TThe EEnd traight ill he nd tSraight iTll hTe nEd ztraight fill fhe snd zStraight fTill fThe sEnd Sztraight Tfill Tfhe Esnd
wtraight 5ill 5he 3nd wStraight 5Till 5The 3End Swtraight T5ill T5he E3nd dtraight hill hhe fnd dStraight hTill hThe fEnd Sdtraight Thill Thhe Efnd
etraight yill yhe rnd eStraight yTill yThe rEnd Setraight Tyill Tyhe Ernd xtraight 6ill 6he 4nd xStraight 6Till 6The 4End Sxtraight T6ill T6he E4nd
atraight gill ghe dnd aStraight gTill gThe dEnd Satraight Tgill Tghe Ednd Sttraight rill rhe wnd Sraight rTill rThe wEnd Srtaight Trill Trhe Ewnd
Sfraight Tiill Ennd Sftraight Tll Te Ed Stfraight Tlil Teh Edn S5raight Tjll Tje Emd S5traight Tjill Tjhe Emnd St5raight Tijll Thje Enmd
Shraight T9ll Tue Ehd Shtraight T9ill Tuhe Ehnd Sthraight Ti9ll Thue Enhd Syraight Tlll Tne Ejd Sytraight Tlill Tnhe Ejnd Styraight Tilll Thne Enjd
S6raight Toll Tbe Ebd S6traight Toill Tbhe Ebnd St6raight Tioll Thbe Enbd Sgraight Tkll Tge Endd Sgtraight Tkill En Stgraight Tikll Thge End
Srraight T8ll Tye Enx Srtraight T8ill Enxd Strraight Ti8ll Thye Endx Tull Thee Ene Staight Tuill Th Ened Staright Tiull The Ende
Stdaight Ths Enf Stdraight Til Thse Enfd Strdaight Till Thes Endf St4aight Tikl Th3 Enr St4raight Th3e Enrd Str4aight Tilkl The3 Endr
Stgaight Tiol Thf Enc Thfe Encd Strgaight Tilol Thef Endc Sttaight Tipl Thr Ens Tipll Thre Ensd Strtaight Tilpl Ther Ends
St5aight Th4 Th4e Str5aight The4 Stfaight Tilk Thd Thde Strfaight Tillk Thed
Steaight Tilo Thw Steraight Thwe Streaight Tillo Thew Straaight Tilp Stright Striaght Tillp
Strzight Strzaight Strazight Strqight Strqaight Straqight
Strsight Strsaight Strasight Strwight Strwaight

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