Five For Fighting
The Devil In The Wishing Well

I met Jane at the center of the earth
It was dark there was dirt all around
But I gather you can figure that
Jane says I'm your body in the night
And i'll lead you where you might find yourself
Better if you follow me
So go right you'll be left at a big hotel
You'll meet the devil at the bottom of a wishing well
You know you better give him something
Give him something good
Like everybody else he's misunderstood
Jane says it's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about her
Jane says, your're as Holy as a ghost
But who loves you the most, if you offer
I might let you carry me
Jane theres nobody here but yourself
In the end it's the wealth of your spirit
Now hurry up get on with it
I went left I got right at some big hotel
There was a devil at the bottom of the wishing well
He said you better give me something
Give me something good
Like everybody else I'm misunderstood
Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about
Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out
I took a guess and cut a portion out of my heart
He said thats nowhere close enough but its a damn good start
I wrote the secret that I buried on the wishing well wall
He said I've seen one... it follows that I've seen them all
We spoke of human destination in a perfect world
Derived the nature of the universe (found it unfulfilled)
As I took him in my arms he screamed I'm not insane
I'm just looking for someone to understand my pain...
It's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna make it out
It's a long way out...
I'm just looking for someone to understand my pain...
As I took him in my arms he screamed I'm not insane
Derived the nature of the universe (found it unfulfilled)
We spoke of human destination in a perfect world
He said I've seen one... it follows that I've seen them all
I wrote the secret that I buried on the wishing well wall
He said thats nowhere close enough but its a damn good start
I took a guess and cut a portion out of my heart
I'm gonna make it out
Jane says it's a long way out
Cause I'm about
I'm gonna make it out
Jane says it's a long way out
Like everybody else I'm misunderstood
Give me something good
He said you better give me something
There was a devil at the bottom of the wishing well
I went left I got right at some big hotel
Now hurry up get on with it
In the end it's the wealth of your spirit
Jane theres nobody here but yourself
I might let you carry me
But who loves you the most, if you offer
Jane says, your're as Holy as a ghost
Cause I'm about her
I'm gonna make it out
Jane says it's a long way out...
Like everybody else he's misunderstood
Give him something good
You know you better give him something
You'll meet the devil at the bottom of a wishing well
So go right you'll be left at a big hotel
Better if you follow me
And i'll lead you where you might find yourself
Jane says I'm your body in the night
But I gather you can figure that
It was dark there was dirt all around
I met Jane at the center of the earth

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDevil IIn TThe WWishing WWell he evil n he ishing ell hTe eDvil nI hTe iWshing eWll fhe xevil jn fhe aishing aell fThe xDevil jIn fThe aWishing aWell
Tfhe Dxevil Ijn Tfhe Waishing Waell 5he eevil 9n 5he 3ishing 3ell 5The eDevil 9In 5The 3Wishing 3Well T5he Deevil I9n T5he W3ishing W3ell hhe fevil ln hhe dishing dell
hThe fDevil lIn hThe dWishing dWell Thhe Dfevil Iln Thhe Wdishing Wdell yhe revil on yhe eishing eell yThe rDevil oIn yThe eWishing eWell Tyhe Drevil Ion Tyhe Weishing Weell
6he cevil kn 6he sishing sell 6The cDevil kIn 6The sWishing sWell T6he Dcevil Ikn T6he Wsishing Wsell ghe sevil 8n ghe 2ishing 2ell gThe sDevil 8In gThe 2Wishing 2Well
Tghe Dsevil I8n Tghe W2ishing W2ell rhe un rhe qishing qell rThe Dvil uIn rThe qWishing qWell Trhe Dveil Iun Trhe Wqishing Wqell Dsvil Inn Wiishing
Te I Te Wshing Wll Teh Desvil In Teh Wsihing Wlel Tje D3vil Im Tje Wjshing Wsll Tjhe D3evil Imn Tjhe Wjishing Thje De3vil Inm Thje Wijshing Wesll
Tue Dfvil Ih Tue W9shing W3ll Tuhe Ihn Tuhe W9ishing Thue Defvil Inh Thue Wi9shing We3ll Tne Drvil Ij Tne Wlshing Wfll Tnhe Tnhe Wlishing Wfell
Thne Dervil Inj Thne Wilshing Wefll Tbe D4vil Ib Tbe Woshing Wrll Tbhe D4evil Ibn Tbhe Woishing Wrell Thbe De4vil Inb Thbe Wioshing Werll Tge Ddvil Tge Wkshing W4ll
Ddevil Wkishing W4ell Thge Dedvil Thge Wikshing We4ll Tye Dwvil Tye W8shing Wdll Dwevil W8ishing Thye Dewvil Thye Wi8shing Wedll
Thee Devvil Thee Wushing Wwll Th Deil Th Wuishing Wwell The Deivl The Wiushing Wewll Ths Debil Ths Wisshing Welll Thse Debvil Thse Wihing Wel
Thes Devbil Thes Wihsing Well Th3 Decil Th3 Wizhing Wekl Th3e Decvil Th3e Wizshing Wekll The3 Devcil The3 Wiszhing Welkl Thf Degil Thf Wiwhing Weol
Thfe Degvil Thfe Wiwshing Weoll Thef Devgil Thef Wiswhing Welol Thr Defil Thr Widhing Wepl Thre Thre Widshing Wepll Ther Devfil Ther Wisdhing Welpl
Th4 Deviil Th4 Wiehing Th4e Devl Th4e Wieshing The4 Devli The4 Wisehing Thd Devjl Thd Wixhing Welk Thde Devjil Thde Wixshing
Thed Devijl Thed Wisxhing Wellk Thw Dev9l Thw Wiahing Welo Thwe Dev9il Thwe Wiashing Thew Devi9l Thew Wisahing Wello Devll Wishhing Welp
Devlil Wising Devill Wisihng Wellp Devol Wisjing

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