Fistful Of Mercy
As I Call You Down

You love like I love
You love like I do
You wish what I wish
You know what I knew
I wish I knew you

You see what I see
I see what we do
You fall when I fall
As we both follow through
As we both follow you

When I fall insite a hole
That I can't crawl out
Better give up my control
As I call you down

As I call you down

You give what I give
You know how I ache
We all became so poor
There's nothing left to take
I break when you break

You fall like I fall
As far as I fall
You can call how I call
We're indivisible
Inside invisible

When I fall insite a hole
That I can't crawl out
Better give up my control
As I call you down

As I call you down

Mirror lyrics:

As I call you down

As I call you down
Better give up my control
That I can't crawl out
When I fall insite a hole

Inside invisible
We're indivisible
You can call how I call
As far as I fall
You fall like I fall

I break when you break
There's nothing left to take
We all became so poor
You know how I ache
You give what I give

As I call you down

As I call you down
Better give up my control
That I can't crawl out
When I fall insite a hole

As we both follow you
As we both follow through
You fall when I fall
I see what we do
You see what I see

I wish I knew you
You know what I knew
You wish what I wish
You love like I do
You love like I love

Relevant Tags:
AAs II CCall YYou DDown s all ou own sA I aCll oYu oDwn zs j fall gou xown zAs jI fCall gYou xDown Azs Ij Cfall Ygou Dxown
qs 9 xall hou eown qAs 9I xCall hYou eDown Aqs I9 Cxall Yhou Deown ss l vall 6ou fown sAs lI vCall 6You fDown Ass Il Cvall Y6ou Dfown
ws o dall uou rown wAs oI dCall uYou rDown Aws Io Cdall Yuou Drown xs k Caall 7ou cown xAs kI Cll 7You cDown Axs Ik Clal Y7ou Dcown
8 Czll jou sown A 8I Czall jYou sDown As I8 Cazll Yjou Dsown Az u Cqll tou Doown uI Cqall tYou Dwn Asz Iu Caqll Ytou Dwon
Aw Csll Yoou Dkwn Csall Yu Dkown Asw Casll Yuo Dokwn Ad Cwll Yku D9wn Ads Cwall Ykou D9own Asd Cawll Yoku Do9wn
Ae Cxll Y9u D0wn Aes Y9ou D0own Ase Caxll Yo9u Do0wn Ax Calll Y0u Dlwn Cal Y0ou Dlown Asx Call Yo0u Dolwn
Aa Cakl Ylu Diwn Aas Cakll Ylou Diown Asa Calkl Yolu Doiwn

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