
I woke up and Mary was still gone,
Thought if I stopped hurting, she would come back to me.
Walk right through the door and say "Ah ha!
I was only joking, didn't you look silly crying."
But I wake up and Mary is still gone.

I looked at the clock and it was still
Lying on the floor exactly where I threw it,
Both hands smashed against its silver face.
My feeble attempt to stop time, but time goes on.
And wake up and Mary is still gone.

Mary was it necessary
To leave before the party?
I know its selfish to say
You always brought the cake, now
What will I eat with all these tears?

I looked at the list and saw her name,
Kid myself she never got an invitation,
Kid myself I'm sure somehow she knew
My stupid attempt to find some way to move on.
but I wake up and mary is still gone.

Mary is still gone.

Mirror lyrics:

Mary is still gone.

but I wake up and mary is still gone.
My stupid attempt to find some way to move on.
Kid myself I'm sure somehow she knew
Kid myself she never got an invitation,
I looked at the list and saw her name,

What will I eat with all these tears?
You always brought the cake, now
I know its selfish to say
To leave before the party?
Mary was it necessary

And wake up and Mary is still gone.
My feeble attempt to stop time, but time goes on.
Both hands smashed against its silver face.
Lying on the floor exactly where I threw it,
I looked at the clock and it was still

But I wake up and Mary is still gone.
I was only joking, didn't you look silly crying."
Walk right through the door and say "Ah ha!
Thought if I stopped hurting, she would come back to me.
I woke up and Mary was still gone,

Relevant Tags:
MMary ary aMry jary jMary Mjary kary kMary Mkary nary nMary
Mnary Maary Mry Mray Mzry Mzary Mazry Mqry Mqary Maqry Msry
Msary Masry Mwry Mwary Mawry Mxry Mxary Maxry Marry May Mayr
Mady Madry Mardy Ma4y Ma4ry

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