
Aimlessly I walk the streets alone
My eyes are tearful to the world around
They have forgotten the joy of which it is to be kind
They need your guidance for they are blind

(So long)
So long since they've heard your word
(So long)
So long since they've felt your hand
(So long)
So long since they seeked your love
And their faces are twisted with the pain of living
Their faces are twisted with the pain of living

Teacher, teacher please understand
Your storied position won't save the land
Although your job may seem minuscule
Please guide the future so the good may rule

Pastor, pastor on TV you teach
'Destroy the lefties' is the sermon you preach
Destroy the commies with a pen and a sword
Forget to tell the glory of the Saviors word

(So long)
So long have they heard your lies
(So long)
So long have they been mislead
(So long)
So long have they been confused
And their faces are twisted with the pain of living
Their faces are twisted with the pain of living

Listen now as I say unto to you
There is a love that will always be true
Even in this abyss of sin
He is a buried alive in the hearts of men

That's why I say,"Iration, jubilation
We have the foundation for a sovereign nation
And it's ruled by love, Jesus Christ from above
And the road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads"

Iration, jubilation
We have the foundation for a sovereign nation
And it's ruled by love, Jesus Christ from above
And the road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads

The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads

The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road, the road

Mirror lyrics:

The road, the road
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads

The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads
The road to Zion is the path He leads
The road to Zion is the one He leads

The road to Zion is the path He leads
And the road to Zion is the one He leads
And it's ruled by love, Jesus Christ from above
We have the foundation for a sovereign nation
Iration, jubilation

The road to Zion is the path He leads"
And the road to Zion is the one He leads
And it's ruled by love, Jesus Christ from above
We have the foundation for a sovereign nation
That's why I say,"Iration, jubilation

He is a buried alive in the hearts of men
Even in this abyss of sin
There is a love that will always be true
Listen now as I say unto to you

Their faces are twisted with the pain of living
And their faces are twisted with the pain of living
So long have they been confused
(So long)
So long have they been mislead
(So long)
So long have they heard your lies
(So long)

Forget to tell the glory of the Saviors word
Destroy the commies with a pen and a sword
'Destroy the lefties' is the sermon you preach
Pastor, pastor on TV you teach

Please guide the future so the good may rule
Although your job may seem minuscule
Your storied position won't save the land
Teacher, teacher please understand

Their faces are twisted with the pain of living
And their faces are twisted with the pain of living
So long since they seeked your love
(So long)
So long since they've felt your hand
(So long)
So long since they've heard your word
(So long)

They need your guidance for they are blind
They have forgotten the joy of which it is to be kind
My eyes are tearful to the world around
Aimlessly I walk the streets alone

Relevant Tags:
IIration ration rIation jration jIration Ijration 9ration 9Iration I9ration lration lIration
Ilration oration oIration Ioration kration kIration Ikration 8ration 8Iration I8ration uration
uIration Iuration Irration Iation Iartion Idation Idration Irdation I4ation I4ration Ir4ation
Igation Igration Irgation Itation Itration Irtation I5ation I5ration Ir5ation Ifation Ifration
Irfation Ieation Ieration Ireation Iraation Irtion Irtaion Irztion Irzation Iraztion Irqtion
Irqation Iraqtion Irstion Irsation Irastion Irwtion Irwation Irawtion Irxtion Irxation Iraxtion
Irattion Iraion Iraiton Irafion Iraftion

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