
I feel like I go to work everyday
But where I work I don't get paid
Work in school learnin' the supposed rule
But in the street I make my own rules
Mama just wanted me to do my homework
But when I get home Ma left a note
Do the housework
So when I'm done with the chores
I go outside and learnsamore
Out in the street I got friends just like me
Pops is gone and mom's workin' 5 and 6 days a week
Me and my partners tryin' things just to see what it means
A drink here a smoke there what was dirty is now clean
Mama tryin' but we got to survive
So now I got to get a 9 to 5

Mirror lyrics:

So now I got to get a 9 to 5
Mama tryin' but we got to survive
A drink here a smoke there what was dirty is now clean
Me and my partners tryin' things just to see what it means
Pops is gone and mom's workin' 5 and 6 days a week
Out in the street I got friends just like me
I go outside and learnsamore
So when I'm done with the chores
Do the housework
But when I get home Ma left a note
Mama just wanted me to do my homework
But in the street I make my own rules
Work in school learnin' the supposed rule
But where I work I don't get paid
I feel like I go to work everyday

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