Party At Ground Zero

Party at ground zero
A "B" movie starring you
And the world will turn to flowing
Pink vapor stew

Johnny, go get your gun, for the commies are in our hemisphere today
Ivan, go fly your MIG, for the Yankee imperialists have come to play
Johnny goes to Sally's house to kiss her goodbye
But Daddy says to spend the night
They make love 'till the early morning light
For tomorrow Johnny goes to fight
Johnny, Ivan, Ian, everybody come along for our nations need new heroes
Time to sing a new war song


Please do not fear 'cause Fishbone is here to say (say what?)
Just have a good time the stop sign is far away
The toilet has flushed and green lights are a ghost
And drop drills will be extinct
Speedracer cloud has come
They know not what they've done
Sin has just won
The planet is a crumb


Mirror lyrics:


The planet is a crumb
Sin has just won
They know not what they've done
Speedracer cloud has come
And drop drills will be extinct
The toilet has flushed and green lights are a ghost
Just have a good time the stop sign is far away
Please do not fear 'cause Fishbone is here to say (say what?)


Time to sing a new war song
Johnny, Ivan, Ian, everybody come along for our nations need new heroes
For tomorrow Johnny goes to fight
They make love 'till the early morning light
But Daddy says to spend the night
Johnny goes to Sally's house to kiss her goodbye
Ivan, go fly your MIG, for the Yankee imperialists have come to play
Johnny, go get your gun, for the commies are in our hemisphere today

Pink vapor stew
And the world will turn to flowing
A "B" movie starring you
Party at ground zero

Relevant Tags:
PParty AAt GGround ZZero arty t round ero aPrty tA rGound eZro 0arty zt hround aero 0Party zAt hGround aZero P0arty Azt Ghround Zaero
larty qt yround sero lParty qAt yGround sZero Plarty Aqt Gyround Zsero oarty st bround xero oParty sAt bGround xZero Poarty Ast Gbround Zxero
Paarty wt vround Zeero Prty wAt vGround Zro Praty Awt Gvround Zreo Pzrty xt fround Zsro Pzarty xAt fGround Pazrty Axt Gfround Zesro
Pqrty Att tround Z3ro Pqarty A tGround Z3ero Paqrty At Gtround Ze3ro Psrty Af Grround Zfro Psarty Aft Gound Zfero Pasrty Atf Gorund Zefro
Pwrty A5 Gdound Zrro Pwarty A5t Gdround Zrero Pawrty At5 Grdound Zerro Pxrty Ah G4ound Z4ro Pxarty Aht G4round Z4ero Paxrty Ath Gr4ound Ze4ro
Parrty Ay Ggound Zdro Paty Ayt Gground Zdero Patry Aty Grgound Zedro Padty A6 Gtound Zwro Padrty A6t Zwero Pardty At6 Grtound Zewro
Pa4ty Ag G5ound Pa4rty Agt G5round Zeo Par4ty Atg Gr5ound Zeor Pagty Ar Gfound Zedo Pagrty Art Pargty Atr Grfound Zerdo
Patty Geound Ze4o Patrty Geround Partty Greound Zer4o Pa5ty Groound Zego Pa5rty Grund Zegro Par5ty Gruond Zergo
Pafty Grkund Zeto Pafrty Grkound Zetro Parfty Grokund Zerto Paety Gr9und Ze5o Paerty Gr9ound Ze5ro Parety Gro9und Zer5o
Gr0und Zefo Pary Gr0ound Paryt Gro0und Zerfo Parfy Grlund Zeeo Grlound

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