Five Iron Frenzy
Every New Day

When I was young
The smallest trick of light
Could catch my eye
Then life was new and every new day
I thought that I could fly

I believed in what I hoped for
And I hoped in things unseen
I had wings and dreams could soar
I just don't feel like flying anymore

When the stars threw down their spears
Watered Heaven with their tears
Before words were spoken
Before eternity

Dear Father, I need You
Your strength my heart to mend
I want to fly higher
Every new day again

When I was small
The furthest I could reach
Was not so high
Then I thought the world was so much smaller
Feeling I could fly

Through distant deeps and skies
Behind infinity
Below the face of Heaven
He stoops to create me

Dear Father, I need You
Your strength my heart to mend
I want to fly higher
Every new day again

Man versus himself
Man versus machine
Man versus the world
Mankind versus me
The struggles go on
The wisdom I lack
The burdens keep piling
Up on my back
So hard to breathe
To take the next step
The mountain is high
I wade in the depths
Yearning for grace
And hoping for peace
Dear God increase

Healing hands of God have mercy
On our unclean souls once again
Jesus Christ, Light of the World
Burning bright within our hearts forever
Freedom means love without condition
Without a beginning or an end
Here's my heart, let it be forever Yours
Only You can make every new day seem so new

Mirror lyrics:

Only You can make every new day seem so new
Here's my heart, let it be forever Yours
Without a beginning or an end
Freedom means love without condition
Burning bright within our hearts forever
Jesus Christ, Light of the World
On our unclean souls once again
Healing hands of God have mercy

Dear God increase
And hoping for peace
Yearning for grace
I wade in the depths
The mountain is high
To take the next step
So hard to breathe
Up on my back
The burdens keep piling
The wisdom I lack
The struggles go on
Mankind versus me
Man versus the world
Man versus machine
Man versus himself

Every new day again
I want to fly higher
Your strength my heart to mend
Dear Father, I need You

He stoops to create me
Below the face of Heaven
Behind infinity
Through distant deeps and skies

Feeling I could fly
Then I thought the world was so much smaller
Was not so high
The furthest I could reach
When I was small

Every new day again
I want to fly higher
Your strength my heart to mend
Dear Father, I need You

Before eternity
Before words were spoken
Watered Heaven with their tears
When the stars threw down their spears

I just don't feel like flying anymore
I had wings and dreams could soar
And I hoped in things unseen
I believed in what I hoped for

I thought that I could fly
Then life was new and every new day
Could catch my eye
The smallest trick of light
When I was young

Relevant Tags:
EEvery NNew DDay very ew ay vEery eNw aDy svery mew xay sEvery mNew xDay Esvery Nmew Dxay 3very hew eay 3Every hNew eDay E3very Nhew Deay
fvery jew fay fEvery jNew fDay Efvery Njew Dfay rvery bew ray rEvery bNew rDay Ervery Nbew Dray 4very Neew cay 4Every Nw cDay E4very Nwe Dcay
dvery Nsw say dEvery Nsew sDay Edvery Nesw Dsay wvery N3w Daay wEvery N3ew Dy Ewvery Ne3w Dya Evvery Nfw Dzy Eery Nfew Dzay Eevry Nefw Dazy
Ebery Nrw Dqy Ebvery Nrew Dqay Evbery Nerw Daqy Ecery N4w Dsy Ecvery N4ew Evcery Ne4w Dasy Egery Ndw Dwy Egvery Ndew Dway Evgery Nedw Dawy
Efery Nww Dxy Nwew Evfery Neww Daxy Eveery Dayy Evry Ne Da Evrey New Day Evsry Nea Dag Evsery Neaw Dagy Evesry Newa Dayg
Ev3ry Ne3 Dah Ev3ery Dahy Eve3ry New3 Dayh Evfry Ned Da6 Da6y Evefry Newd Day6

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