Five Iron Frenzy
Handbook For The Sellout

You found a way, to draw a line,
between the world and you.
Faking your identity its true. Did
you think the word "alternative"
was only meant for the likes of
you? Do you think that they're too
cool now? Being popular is lame.
You're the one who made them popular,
all their songs are still the same.

You found them first, it made you
stand apart, you know? But then
everyone jumped on the same
bandwagon, making you and
average Joe. A lemming for the
mediocre, you were just a plain
old joker, status quo. Blame it on
the band now. If you prick them
do they bleed? What's the point in
playing what they want, if you
won't let them succeed?

Do you remember where we all
came from? Do you remember
what it's all about? When you
made a point to be objective,
before you started writing
Handbook for the Sellout?

You sunk your worth in being
different, just to be like your own
kind. You traded in objectiveness,
for the underground you follow

Do you remember where we all
came from? Do you remember
what it's all about? When you
made a point to be objective,
before you started writing
Handbook for the Sellout?

Mirror lyrics:

Handbook for the Sellout?
before you started writing
made a point to be objective,
what it's all about? When you
came from? Do you remember
Do you remember where we all

for the underground you follow
kind. You traded in objectiveness,
different, just to be like your own
You sunk your worth in being

Handbook for the Sellout?
before you started writing
made a point to be objective,
what it's all about? When you
came from? Do you remember
Do you remember where we all

won't let them succeed?
playing what they want, if you
do they bleed? What's the point in
the band now. If you prick them
old joker, status quo. Blame it on
mediocre, you were just a plain
average Joe. A lemming for the
bandwagon, making you and
everyone jumped on the same
stand apart, you know? But then
You found them first, it made you

all their songs are still the same.
You're the one who made them popular,
cool now? Being popular is lame.
you? Do you think that they're too
was only meant for the likes of
you think the word "alternative"
Faking your identity its true. Did
between the world and you.
You found a way, to draw a line,

Relevant Tags:
HHandbook FFor TThe SSellout andbook or he ellout aHndbook oFr hTe eSllout jandbook cor fhe zellout jHandbook cFor fThe zSellout Hjandbook Fcor Tfhe Szellout
uandbook ror 5he wellout uHandbook rFor 5The wSellout Huandbook Fror T5he Swellout nandbook gor hhe dellout nHandbook gFor hThe dSellout Hnandbook Fgor Thhe Sdellout
bandbook tor yhe eellout bHandbook tFor yThe eSellout Hbandbook Ftor Tyhe Seellout gandbook vor 6he xellout gHandbook vFor 6The xSellout Hgandbook Fvor T6he Sxellout
yandbook dor ghe aellout yHandbook dFor gThe aSellout Hyandbook Fdor Tghe Saellout Haandbook Foor rhe Hndbook Fr rThe Sllout Hnadbook Fro Trhe Slelout
Hzndbook Fkr Ssllout Hzandbook Fkor Te Ssellout Hazndbook Fokr Teh Sesllout Hqndbook F9r Tje S3llout Hqandbook F9or Tjhe S3ellout Haqndbook Fo9r Thje Se3llout
Hsndbook F0r Tue Sfllout Hsandbook F0or Tuhe Sfellout Hasndbook Fo0r Thue Sefllout Hwndbook Flr Tne Srllout Hwandbook Flor Tnhe Srellout Hawndbook Folr Thne Serllout
Hxndbook Fir Tbe S4llout Hxandbook Fior Tbhe S4ellout Haxndbook Foir Thbe Se4llout Hanndbook Forr Tge Sdllout Hadbook Fo Hadnbook For Thge Sedllout
Hamdbook Fod Tye Swllout Hamndbook Fodr Hanmdbook Ford Thye Sewllout Hahdbook Fo4 Thee Selllout Hahndbook Fo4r Th Selout Hanhdbook For4 The Sellout
Hajdbook Fog Ths Seklout Hajndbook Fogr Thse Sekllout Hanjdbook Forg Thes Selklout Habdbook Fot Th3 Seolout Habndbook Fotr Th3e Seollout Hanbdbook Fort The3 Selolout
Handdbook Fo5 Thf Seplout Hanbook Fo5r Thfe Sepllout Hanbdook For5 Thef Selplout Hanxbook Fof Thr Hanxdbook Fofr Thre Handxbook Forf Ther Selolut
Hanebook Foe Th4 Selkout Hanedbook Foer Th4e Handebook Fore The4 Sellkout Hanfbook Thd Seloout Hanfdbook Thde Handfbook Thed Selloout

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